Sometimes, looking at our smaller brothers, there is a desire to take them home, take care of them, play with them. Many of us allow ourselves to do this. Moreover, people buy animals both practically free of charge and for a rather large amount. And after a while, you realize that you were either in a hurry with the purchase of a pet, or simply made a mistake in your decision. What to do now? An animal costs money, and you can't just throw it out on the street. You need to find someone to whom it will be useful and who will be ready to buy it.

Step 1
Make sure your pet has all the necessary vaccinations. Check if you have all the necessary information and that the animal is absolutely healthy. Otherwise, you will have to ensure that the necessary documents are available at your own expense and urgently, or the sale may simply not take place.

Step 2
To get started, look at the ads in the most popular periodical about the desire of other people to purchase a similar animal. Call all phone numbers without missing a single one. If it doesn't work right away, use another edition and keep looking.

Step 3
Inform all your relatives, acquaintances and even colleagues that you intend to sell your pet. Such a large number of people certainly have a certain number of acquaintances, among whom there may be exactly the one you need, to whom you could delegate the care of the animal. The more people know about your intention, the more chances you have of success.

Step 4
Find the addresses of pet clubs and be sure to visit them with your pet. The clubs of interest will certainly help you with advice, and maybe even practically. In such circles, people communicate, for whom animals sometimes mean even more than other representatives of the human race, so they are interested in everything that is connected with this and know everything on the topic as much as possible.

Step 5
Also visit your nearest pet store and leave information about your pet with a photo. Make sure everyone who might be interested in your deal has your phone number.

Step 6
In short, be as active as possible and you will achieve your goal. But in this whole race for the desire to get rid of the animal as soon as possible, do not forget that this is a living creature, that it is not to blame, that you did not calculate your strength when you acquired it. Continue caring for him until you are sure that your ex is in good hands.