There are many myths about how four-legged pets see the world around them, and some misconceptions, unfortunately, are shared even by veterinarians. In the 21st century, science has advanced in front, and today it is safe to say that vision in dogs is much better than is commonly thought.

Step 1
Until recently, it was believed that dogs have black and white vision. Recent studies have shown that this opinion was wrong. Indeed, in the retina of the dog's eyes, there are far fewer cones - namely, they are responsible for the perception of color - and there are completely no cones that are sensitive to red and orange colors. But this does not mean that they see the world as colorless, their vision is more like the vision of color blind people. Guide dogs are unable to distinguish between green and red traffic lights and are guided by the flow of traffic.
Step 2
Despite the peculiar "color blindness", dogs are largely guided by color. The red coat of another individual will look greenish to them, but, nevertheless, they will be able to distinguish it from all others by its characteristic shade.
Step 3
Dogs have ultraviolet vision, but scientists have not yet figured out why they need it. The only thing that can be said for sure is that those with UV vision usually do not have a so-called “yellow spot” in the eyeball, which is responsible for visual acuity, and see a rather blurry picture - only 30 percent of what a person can distinguish.
Step 4
Dogs recognize more shades of gray than humans and can navigate well in the dark. They are much more vigilant at night than during the day. This ability is provided by an additional reflective layer of the retina - the tapetum lucidum.
Step 5
For quite some time there has been a debate about whether dogs can be called myopic. In fact, this concept does not apply to these animals, in addition, visual acuity is not so important for them. They, like all predators, perceive a moving object much better, and a stationary one may not notice. If a person waves his arms, the dog will notice him even from a distance of a mile.
Step 6
The field of view of dogs is 70 degrees higher than that of humans: 250 on average, 270 - for hounds. Much depends on the breed: Greyhounds are considered to have the best eyesight.
Step 7
Unlike cats, dogs do not watch TV, because the frame rate is not optimized for humans and is 50-60 Hz, while dogs have a vision frequency of 70-80 Hz. Therefore, random flashes do not merge into a single image.
Step 8
In puppies, vision is finally formed only by the age of four months. Since pets do not need to hunt, most dogs' vision deteriorates significantly with age, simply because it is not needed.