How To Train Your Hamster To Wheel

How To Train Your Hamster To Wheel
How To Train Your Hamster To Wheel

Table of contents:


A cheerful fluffy pet has appeared in your house and with it a wonderful cage with all the additions, labyrinths, feeders and, of course, a running wheel. In nature, hamsters need to run quite long distances, so a wheel is a necessary "treadmill" for him. Unfortunately, sometimes pets completely ignore the novelty and neglect physical activity.

How to train your hamster to wheel
How to train your hamster to wheel

It is necessary

Favorite delicacies, a sheet of thick paper


Step 1

Check the wheel itself, how firmly and correctly it is attached to the cage. The wheel should rotate freely, not vibrate from side to side. Check if the wheel fits the hamster in size (at least 18 cm in diameter for Syrians and 12 cm for Dzungarian hamsters) and type, since some animals do not like metal, or vice versa, plastic wheels. The pet's feet should not fall between the metal rods or slip on the plastic. If the wheel is fixed on the wall of the cage, try lowering it lower, or, on the contrary, raising it, it may be inconvenient for the hamster to climb into it. Make sure that access to the equipment is free and not hampered by anything, some animals do not like it when a house or feeders are near the wheel. If all the conditions are met, leave the animal for a few days, when it gets used to it, it will itself show interest in a new object in its cage. Observe your pet, since hamsters are predominantly nocturnal, they can also run in a wheel at night.

Step 2

A week has passed and your hamster still ignores the wheel? Try to further interest your pet in a new item. To do this, put a piece of your favorite delicacy in the wheel, keep in mind that it is necessary to report tasty pieces quite often. The animal will definitely go into the wheel, at this moment try to rotate it a little, but do not be zealous, as the hamster may get scared. If the pet immediately leaves the wheel, not wanting to be in it for a long time, cover the wheel with a thick sheet of paper, the animal will begin to move and run.

Step 3

Not all apartments will like this "transport" much more.
