Quite often, when walking, dogs can cut their paws. Hosts need to know how to properly handle a cut.

It will be useful to wash the wound with a solution of any antiseptic (3% hydrogen peroxide, diluted with water 1: 3 potassium permanganate solution, furacilin 0.2%). You can even use boiled water. It is advisable to trim the coat around the cut.
Place a pressure bandage made of gauze or clean cloth over the wound. Relax after 5 minutes, if the bleeding has not stopped, continue direct pressure and hurry to the vet.
Do not let your dog lick the wound by licking it, it will disturb the wound more, preventing it from drying out. Put on a protective collar for your dog.
If you're worried about being bitten by your own frightened dog, muzzle it. You can use the tools at hand: rope, belt, tie. Wrap them around the dog's muzzle and under the jaw, cross them, put the ends behind the head and tie.
In order not to have bad consequences, it is better to contact the professional workers of the veterinary clinic, and you will be sure that everything is in order with your pet.