With the onset of winter and the onset of cold weather, life in the forest comes to a standstill. Many animals, in order to save such valuable resources in frosty and hungry times, hibernate. And only in spring, when the sun begins to warm up the earth, the snow melts, and food appears, they wake up.

Step 1
Hibernation is a period during which all processes in the animal's body are greatly slowed down. The intensity of the heartbeat and respiration decreases, the temperature and blood pressure drop, the metabolic rate decreases, and the activity of the nervous system is inhibited. Animals, as a rule, prepare for hibernation - they accumulate fat reserves, look for reliable shelters where they can wait out unfavorable conditions and not be eaten by wakeful predators.

Step 2
The most famous animal that lives on the territory of Russia, which falls asleep in winter, is the brown bear. However, his state cannot be called full-fledged hibernation. The body temperature of a sleeping bear is not too different from that of a wake one. The animal recovers very quickly. Similarly, badgers, raccoons and raccoon dogs fall asleep in winter. If necessary, their sleep can be easily interrupted.

Step 3
In the cold season, rodents fall asleep - hamsters, dormouse, marmots, chipmunks, ground squirrels. The hedgehog also rests in the winter. In the conditions of central Russia, these animals hibernate in winter, however, rodents living in hot climates, in the absence of food, can fall asleep in summer.

Step 4
Cold-blooded animals like frogs and snakes fall asleep in winter. In conditions of low temperatures, they are not able to maintain the normal functioning of their body. Therefore, they have to wait for spring, when the sun warms up the air so much that the temperature becomes acceptable for their life. Winter torpor of amphibians is called suspended animation.

Step 5
It is believed that birds do not hibernate. Most of them fly away to winter in warm regions, while the rest are interrupted by what they can find in a snow-covered forest, or move closer to a human dwelling. And only a nightjar is able to fall asleep in winter. For this, he received the nickname "dremlyuga".