The Chinese Crested is a dog with an unusual appearance and independent character. Such an animal needs delicate handling, properly selected food and good care. In order to raise a good dog, it is important to choose the right puppy. Consider the characteristics of the breed - they are noticeable even at a very young age.

Breed standards

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the exterior. This is especially important if you are interested in a dog for show or breeding. A good puppy has a well-proportioned physique, a straight back without sagging and a fairly light head. Feet must be in straight position and no inward turning of the hock is allowed.

Make sure the bite is correct - the Chinese Crested often have "snacks". Be sure to talk to the breeder - a conscientious seller will definitely provide you with complete information about the parents of the puppies. It is also advisable to find out about past litters - usually puppies of the same parents are similar, especially in terms of size. When planning a pet show career, choose larger puppies - they look more spectacular in the ring. If you are planning to buy a dog for breeding, find out how her mother's pregnancies were, whether the puppies had enough milk.

Downy and hairless dogs: who to choose
The peculiarity of the breed is the presence in some litters of the so-called "puffs" - dogs with long silky hair. These animals look very original and participate in breeding without any problems. However, hairless dogs are more common at shows, and they are usually the ones who get the prizes. The question of price is also important. The most expensive is the naked female, and the cheapest option is the downy dog. But if you do not dream of exhibitions and breeding, choose a dog that seems prettier to you.

Evaluate the skin and fur of the animal. Many puppies have spots on their skin. They can retain a bright pattern or brighten - this usually depends on a genetic predisposition. At the time of sale (about 3 months old), the exact shade of the coat can be determined by the hair roots. Spread the fur on the withers of the "puff" or on the tuft of a naked dog - most likely, in a few months its skin will acquire just such a color. The amount of wool is also important. Naked puppies with a lush mane, tuft and "socks" on their paws look very impressive. Such a dog will require trimming before the show, but after putting the coat in order it will look charming.

The nature of future pets
The Chinese Crested is a gentle yet active and curious dog. When choosing a puppy, give preference to the most sociable animal from the litter. It is important that he is not afraid of people, willingly communicates, not shy. It is believed that large puppies are more balanced, and small ones, with round eyes and a shortened muzzle, are cowardly and prone to tantrums.
Consider gender differences as well. Chinese Crested bitches are more socialized, they are distinguished by a calm disposition, neatness. Males can be aggressive. It is especially important to take into account the character of the pet for those who are planning a dog show career - for aggression or cowardice, the animal can be removed from the ring, even if it has an impeccable appearance.