Like The Scariest Animal In The World

Like The Scariest Animal In The World
Like The Scariest Animal In The World

Man is used to considering himself the crown of evolution and feeling superior to other species. However, many animals are dangerous to humans. Despite the technological progress on the side of homo sapiens, meeting such a beast does not bode well.

Like the scariest animal in the world
Like the scariest animal in the world


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At first glance, such small insects as mosquitoes cannot cause serious harm to humans, unless only minor troubles. However, the bites of these insects kill about three million people every year. The reason is that mosquitoes are carriers of various diseases, the pathogens of which they inject into the blood of a person when bitten. In particular, mosquitoes carry diseases such as leishmaniasis, pappatachi fever, bartonellosis.

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White shark


Sharks rarely attack humans, but if this predator is still interested in you, there is little chance of salvation. The white shark is capable of reaching six meters in length and weighing five tons. In the world's oceans, it is found almost everywhere, with the exception of the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean. Scientists suggest that these predators attack people by mistake, confusing a diver or surfer swimming on a board with a pinniped or a turtle - its usual prey.

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Piranhas are another deadly predator lurking in the water column. They inhabit the waters of South America and are characterized by extremely sharp teeth. Most of the piranha's diet consists of other fish, often ten times their size, as well as small animals. However, a flock of piranhas poses a serious threat to the life of a gaping bather.

Snail cones

At first glance, snails seem to be slow and harmless animals, but not all representatives of the gastropod class are in fact such. The cones inhabiting tropical seas are predators. They usually hunt polychaete worms, killing their prey with poison. However, the substance they release is so strong that it acts in a similar way on a person. Snails cones pose a danger to divers, because if a snail's "harpoon" hits the unfortunate person, death awaits him in a few minutes.


The rhinoceros is a large animal, whose weight in some cases can even reach five tons, and the front of the head is crowned with one or two horns. In addition to the gigantic weight and horns, these animals also have very poor eyesight, which is often the reason for the attacks of these animals on people. Rhinos tend to fall into a rage and attack any moving object that they do not understand, which a person can become. These animals run, despite their impressive dimensions, extremely quickly.
