How To Train A Kitten To Swim

How To Train A Kitten To Swim
How To Train A Kitten To Swim

It so happened that the vast majority of cats do not like water, so bathing is a serious stress for them. If you plan to let the striped go out into the street or take it with you to the dacha, it is advisable to teach it to wash from an early age.

How to train a kitten to swim
How to train a kitten to swim

Things to consider when washing a kitten

In order for the kitten to get used to bathing and not perceive it as torture, start water procedures at an early age. Already in a month, wash the fluffy for the first time in warm water without shampoo, if the fur is not dirty.

Be sure to check the water temperature. If it turns out to be very hot or cool, the animal will be frightened and will remember this for a long time, respectively, then it will be afraid of one type of bath.

Make sure that no water or foam gets into the ears and eyes of the kitten while bathing - this can spoil the impression of washing, which at an older age will cause the cat to use claws during hygiene procedures.

While bathing the animal, talk to it affectionately, gently massaging the skin so that the cat likes the process. It is desirable that there are no loud sounds in the bathroom. Behave as calmly as possible, so the kitten will be comfortable and not scared.

Always use a cat cleaner. After water procedures, do not dry the animal with a hairdryer - the striped one can get very scared.
