Currently, there are two types of minks on the planet: European and American. The latter is slightly larger than its European relative. Some zoologists combine both minks into one species, considering the American variety as European. Both animals belong to the weasel family.

Step 1
Minks are small carnivorous mammals with a smooth brown coat, which humans value as fine fur. In length, this animal does not exceed 50 cm, 14 of which are on its tail. The body of the mink is wedge-shaped, the head of the animal is flattened, and the ears are very small. The mink's eyes are like sparkling beads. It is curious that the American mink can exceed 50 cm in length, while having a weight of 1.5 kg.
Step 2
The lifestyle of European and American minks is very similar: both predators love to fish, frogs, crayfish, and snails. Often, these weasels climb into chicken coops to feast on chickens or their eggs. Minks have a rare defense mechanism that makes them look like skunks: if the animal is seriously scared, it releases a foul-smelling secret.
Step 3
It is not hard to guess where both animals live: the European mink in Europe, the American mink in North America. European minks are also widespread in Russia: from the Northern Dvina to the Black Sea, from the Baltic to the Urals. It is curious that American minks can now be found not only throughout North America, but also in Europe, and even in North Asia. Human beings contributed to their resettlement.
Step 4
Both predators are distinguished by agility, agility and strength, but they run badly and climb trees disgustingly. This is understandable: their element is water. Minks swim great and dive great. They are helped in this by special swimming membranes located on their paws. These animals prefer quiet and secluded places, try to avoid people. Often, minks, along with ermines, fall into traps set by people in chicken coops. The favorite habitats of these creatures are swampy banks of rivers and lakes with fallen trees, with roots protruding from the ground.
Step 5
Currently, the European mink is on the verge of extinction, therefore it is listed in the Red Book. The fact is that since ancient times people have hunted these animals because of their valuable fur. Some scientists suggest that hydroelectric power plants play a decisive role in reducing the population of European minks: the animals love to live near reservoirs, for which they die. It is curious that the fur of the American mink has always been valued higher than the fur of the European one, since it is more durable. By the way, minks make excellent pets: they are easily tamed, responding to the voice of their owner. In captivity, these creatures live longer than in nature.