Many cat owners, having discovered that their pet has got fleas, are trying to find a remedy for parasites that would help solve the problem once and for all. But this is useless. Even if you get rid of fleas completely, there is no guarantee that the cat or cat will not pick them up while walking. Even domestic cats that never leave the apartment can acquire insects that the owner brought on his own clothes.

Today, there are many effective drugs that help rid a cat of fleas. If your pets are pets, fleas may never appear at all. But it is better to familiarize yourself with information on methods to help get rid of fleas in advance.
How to remove fleas from a cat
Before using any flea remedy, carefully read the instructions for its use. Some of them cannot be used for pregnant cats, small kittens. You can consult a veterinarian about this problem - he will tell you exactly how you can remove fleas from cats and kittens.
The most popular remedy for getting rid of fleas is in the form of drops. They not only work effectively, but are also easy to use. The drops contain an aqueous solution of an insecticide, the smell of which can scare away or kill insects. A few drops applied to the back or neck of the pet are able to quickly cope with their task. The most popular are Hartz, Bayer, Advocate, Bars.
Drops for combating fleas in cats are convenient to use if the animal mainly lives in the apartment, and in the summer, together with the owners, goes to the dacha. Dropping should be done several times per period. So it is possible to provide the pet with protection from parasites and destroy the existing parasites.
An anti-flea collar is a convenient tool for those cats who often and often go outside. Collars provide protection for two months, harmless to the animal, suitable for use by a pregnant cat. In addition, the presence of a collar can protect a free-walking animal from the catching crew.
Flea spray is more toxic and should only be used strictly as directed. Not used for lactating cats. Popular media: Hartz, Bayer, Frontline, Bolfo.
Shampoos are fairly safe for cats and effective against fleas. The animal's coat must be washed as thoroughly as possible - the cat will definitely try to lick it. Frequently used brands: Advocate, Advantix.