Why Does A Dog Eat Grass

Why Does A Dog Eat Grass
Why Does A Dog Eat Grass

Some of the habits of dogs seem unnatural to their owners, causing confusion and anxiety. In particular, these habits include eating grass. Why do dogs eat grass?

Why does a dog eat grass
Why does a dog eat grass

Despite the fact that dogs are carnivores, almost all of their owners had to deal with the fact that the pet suddenly begins to eat grass with great appetite. Naturally, many owners are concerned about how normal this behavior is.

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Especially often, such situations occur at the beginning of spring. As a rule, during this period of the year, the immunity of a dog - as well as of a person - is somewhat weakened. Most of the plants that your pet chooses as a "dessert" contain antibacterial substances - phytoncides. Thanks to the use of these substances, the dog's immunity increases. Even in ancient times it was known that a seriously ill animal must be released into the forest. There the dog will be able to find the medicinal plants it needs.

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A dog's attempts to diversify its "menu" with grass can be associated with an improperly balanced diet. Check with your veterinarian and, if necessary, increase the amount of grains and vegetables in your dog's daily diet.

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Many dogs eat grass for stomach problems. Because they are carnivores, their bodies are not well equipped to digest plant fibers. Once in the stomach, the grass irritates its mucous membrane and causes vomiting. In this way the dog's stomach is cleansed and bile flows out.

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Monitor your dog's behavior closely. If you notice that the animal eats grass daily and in large quantities, then you should consult a veterinarian for the necessary examinations. Sometimes this behavior can be caused by serious problems in the digestive system.

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Do not allow the animal to eat grass growing along highways, or near garbage dumps or construction sites. It is also necessary to ensure that the dog does not eat plants treated with various chemicals.
