The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a large dog with thick coat, the purpose of which is to guard duty. Raising a puppy will make it easier for him to understand the skills of subsequent training and interact with other people and dogs. It is necessary to raise a puppy as soon as he appears in your house.

Step 1
Caucasian puppies cause affection in everyone and a desire to cuddle these little bumpy bears. But remember that basic skills and concepts are learned by the dog in the first four months of life, so do not waste time on sentimentality and immediately train your puppy to order. Reinforce all the right habits at once, be consistent and persistent in upbringing, do not cancel the prohibitions, regardless of your mood.

Step 2
After the first two to three months, the dog should know its name, place, shrinkage, showing teeth and the ability to walk next to the owner. Do not use violence, these skills need to be worked out in the game, reinforcing them with a rewarding delicacy. Avoid lengthy, tedious training sessions with your puppy. Daily consolidation of the acquired skills is the key to success in his upbringing.

Step 3
Feed your dog strictly at set hours and do not encourage him to be near the dining table while eating. She should receive delicacies and affection only from the owner or members of his family. Only the owner should work out commands and train the dog.

Step 4
Immediately stop your puppy's attempts to jump on you, bite your hand with your teeth, climb onto a bed or sofa, which will become inappropriate and dangerous as the dog grows up and gains weight. The punishment should follow immediately after the sin, otherwise the dog will simply not understand what it is being punished for and will not associate it with the act that caused your anger. When punishing physically, act like a mother dog: shake sharply by the withers. The painful effect should only be on the puppy's skin, and not on parts of its body.

Step 5
Eliminate all play and interaction with those children who can tease or hurt the dog. In a Caucasian, anger should not be aroused, the puppy should always feel an even, benevolent attitude towards himself. But prevent any attempt to dominate, the dog must clearly know its place on the hierarchical family ladder.

Step 6
If possible, let the puppy regularly have the opportunity to interact with other adult, well-balanced dogs with a normal psyche. And the owner of the Caucasian himself must have such qualities in order to raise a truly well-bred dog.