When a new family member, a Yorkie puppy, appears in your home, many questions arise. How to take care of your pet? How and what to feed the puppy? Where should he arrange a place? How to play and what to do with your kid? Many do not dare to have a puppy just because they are afraid that he will chew on furniture, spoil things, bark, etc. Meanwhile, everything depends on the upbringing and the correct organization of the space of your pet.

Organization of a sleeping place for a Yorkie puppy Yorkshire Terriers and Biewers are known to be decorative dogs that require little space in the apartment and can be content with a small pillow placed in the right place. I do not advise allowing the puppy to sleep in bed with you for many reasons: and because it is not hygienic; and because this is a small puppy with fragile bones and a jump from the height of the bed can turn out to be a fracture or sprain for the baby. A properly equipped place for a Yorkie is a soft bed, it can be in the form of a house (Yorkies like minks and all sorts of secluded places). It is good if you put the lounger near the master's bed, because this way the puppy will feel more protected and confident. Taming a puppy to the toilet When a puppy lives with his mother, who carefully goes to the toilet on the diaper and leaves the necessary marks there, the puppy repeats after her. This is how the Yorkshire Terrier gets used to doing everything on a diaper basis. But it should be understood that the diaper itself does not mean anything to the puppy. He knows the smell. Outwardly, a diaper for a baby is no different from a rug under the door or a bedspread on the bed. Therefore, at the time of accustoming a puppy to a diaper in a new house, you need to be patient. And of course there are some tips that can help in this matter. 1. A puppy, like all small children, goes to the toilet approximately every 20 minutes. Therefore, if you see that the puppy has made a puddle, blot with the diaper that you have prepared for the pet in it and put the diaper where you plan to organize the toilet. After about 15 - 20 minutes, put the baby on the diaper, let him smell it and make sure that the baby does everything necessary where it is required. Be sure to praise the child for the achievement. 2. But here you again found a puddle in the wrong place, scold the puppy, and put him on a diaper. It is important that this should be done as soon as the baby went to the toilet. If the moment is missed and some time has passed, the puppy simply will not understand what you are unhappy with. And if you are too aggressive, you will develop fear in the baby and the puppy will look for secluded places for the toilet in order to hide this shame. 3. Limit the space where the puppy can be. After all, he, like a small child, simply does not have time to reach the toilet, he often flirts. The smell from the diaper is important only if it is within reach. In my personal experience, it is easier to train a dog to toilet on the street. Instincts work there. If you are ready to walk your baby twice a day, then the problem with the toilet will disappear for you very soon. True, it is still necessary to leave the diaper for the puppy at home for at least 7 - 8 months, because. the little puppy simply cannot endure the next walk. Relationship with the puppy It is very important to form the right relationship with the puppy in the family. A dog is a gregarious animal, for which the leader is in the first place. Your task is to be the leader for the puppy, to build a clear hierarchy in the family. This will save your home from many troubles. So how should you build a relationship with a dog. A puppy from the first days of life in your house should know that the most important thing in the family is you with all the household members and only then the puppy. To do this, you need to observe the following rules: 1. The dog should eat only after all family members have eaten. Never drop anything off the table. The leader eats first, if this rule is violated, everything else is simply in vain. Don't worry, it doesn't humiliate or hurt your baby's feelings. He will simply know that there is such an order. 2. Play with the puppy only on your initiative. If the puppy himself brought you a toy, put it next to it and turn away, after 5 minutes, if you want, play with it. It is important that the initiative comes from you. In the game, you must not let the dog bite you (or kick the child), if this happens, stop the game. You can only bite a toy. 3. Do not use too many unnecessary words in relation to the dog when you scold him. She doesn't understand you. Choose one expression for yourself, for example, "very bad" and say it with the same intonation, so that the dog knows that if it is pronounced, then she did something wrong. A dog with a normal psyche loves its owner and wants to please him. Therefore, your "very bad" punishment will be a very strong punishment for her. I do not have to yell at the dogs, it is enough to say my "displeased" phrase and the dogs, tails between their legs, retreat. 4. The dog must clearly know its place. It should not be such that the dog lies on the bed in the place of her husband or drives your child away from you. And if this happens, you must immediately stop this behavior, point the puppy in his place and allow your loved ones to take a position convenient for them. There are many different rules for training and raising a dog, but if you follow at least the ones mentioned above, you will already be able to provide you with a comfortable cohabitation and enjoy communicating with each other. Feeding a Yorkie puppy On https://yorksite.ru/ (a site dedicated to two amazing breeds of Yorkshire Terriers and Biewers) there is a lot of information about how and what to feed a Yorkie in a special section of useful articles - "feeding". I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of products prohibited for dogs - https://yorksite.ru/chem-kormit-iorka. In this article I want to draw your attention to the key points in feeding a Yorkie puppy: 1. You must initially decide for yourself: what you will feed the dog - dry food or natural. It is strictly forbidden to mix different types of feed, this will have a very negative effect on digestion. 2. It is always worth remembering that Yorkies have a weak point - the liver. Do not give Yorkies and Beavers fatty foods: fatty cuts of meat, fatty cottage cheese, etc. 3. You can not give the Yorkies the long bones of the bird, they are very easy to cause irreparable harm to the pet. Classes with a puppy Yorkie and Biewer puppies, like all normal children, are very active: they play, learn the world. To prevent this activity from harming your home, the puppy must be taught to play the correct games and permitted toys. Yorkie puppies love to bring a ball or a thrown other toy. If you train your puppy to play like this, you will always have a way to get the puppy to move and spend his energy playing with you. If the puppy plays with your things or starts to chew on the toys of your son or daughter, you can safely remove the unnecessary item from him and replace it with the puppy's toy. The dog realizes very quickly that if it takes a rubber bone, and not a soldier, it will be fun, and maybe even the owner leaves it a little, and then scratches behind the ear. Of course, training your puppy is a great pastime. Yorkies and Biewers are very intelligent dogs and you can easily teach your pet such simple commands as "give a paw" or "serve". And if you wish, you can teach him more complex things. You yourself can come up with various games that the puppy will be happy to play. So many dogs like to play hide and seek and catch up. Puppy safety So, a very important question that should be studied by the new owner of York - is to ensure his safety. It is preferable during the puppy's growth period (up to 7 - 8 months) to restrict him when you leave the house and he is left alone. This will not only save many valuable things, but also protect the puppy. All wires in the apartment must be removed. You can not lift the puppy on a hill and let it jump from there. He may fail to do so and break his leg or get sprained. For the same reason, you can not give a puppy to keep a small child, he can leave him or just let go of his hands. Toys should be made of material from which the puppy will not be able to chew off small parts. Make sure that the puppy does not tear the disposable diapers left for the toilet. If the puppy eats them, then the harm may already be irreversible. Only drive your puppy on a leash outside. Even if he obeys you at home, on the street he may be scared or carried away. As a result, the puppy can be run over by the wheels of a car or into the mouth of a large dog. And the main thing, like in raising children, is patience. Puppies grow quickly and by 8 - 9 months I begin to understand perfectly what is required of them, what rules are established in the family. Teach you! And let the interaction between you and your dog bring a lot of positive moments into your life.