Why A Cow Has Milk Like Water: Reasons

Why A Cow Has Milk Like Water: Reasons
Why A Cow Has Milk Like Water: Reasons

The composition and taste of cow's milk is influenced by such factors as feed (its quality and type), housing conditions, the mode of life of the animal and the state of its health.

Why a cow has milk like water: reasons
Why a cow has milk like water: reasons

The most common causes of too thin milk

Milk may become watery after the freeze / thaw cycle due to improper cooling. Within an hour after milking, milk must be cooled to -8 degrees using ice or machine cold. Do not mix a fresh batch of product with chilled milk.

Milk that is too thin can be a sign of a cow developing disease. If the milk is watery with a bluish tint, this is a sign of tuberculosis; the presence of flocculent clots indicates mastitis.

In addition, an insufficient amount of nutritious food in the animal or feeding of not very nutritious food can lead to milk liquefaction. So, the most satisfying food is oats. Further in order of decreasing nutritional value are: hay, potatoes, straw and clean fresh grass.

Cow nutrition and milk fat

The most useful product for a cow is hay, it is its lack or poor quality that can lead to milk dilution. It is ideal to choose forbs forage from flooded meadows, steppe and legume mowing of sowing grasses.

Milk also becomes watery due to feeding on swede, cabbage, corn, and turnip. Insufficient amounts of phosphorus, calcium and common table salt in the cow's feed have a negative effect.

The time of day is also important for the quality of milk yield. The first morning streams are always the thinnest, gradually the fat content of the milk increases, so it is important to thoroughly milk the cow, by the end of the process it is advisable to lightly massage the udder. The most nutritious milk a cow gives in the daytime.

The quality of the drink is also influenced by the weather; in the heat, the milk becomes noticeably thinner. It is necessary to ensure that the barn is always dry and cool enough (in winter - 5-10 degrees). Humid air or damp bedding can also cause milk to thin. Do not forget about walking in the fresh air, even in winter on sunny days, the cow can be allowed to walk for a few minutes.

A strict daily routine and good handling of the animal are good for the quality of milk. Cows are attached to people, so they feel better and more comfortable with kind, affectionate owners, this has a beneficial effect on the health of a horned pet and the quality of its milk.

The nutritional value of milk also depends on the breed of the cow or her inheritance. There is a pattern: the more milk a cow gives, the more watery it is. The drink may become thinner in the first months after the cow has a calf.
