Does your dog pick up on the street and eat already gnawed bones, herring heads, in general, all sorts of nasty things, even feces? In all dogs, this is an innate instinct that dates back to ancient times, when their ancestors roamed in search of food.
Step 1
This instinct can be combated and overcome with some training effort. First of all, at home, the dog should begin to eat with your permission. Place a bowl of food in front of the dog and prohibit eating with the "fu" or "no" command. After a few seconds, with the command “can”, allow the dog to eat. Gradually increase the ban time to 10-15 minutes.
Step 2
Before walking, scatter food outside in designated areas and then walk the dog along this route on a long leash with the walk command. As soon as the dog tries to grab the food, shout sternly "fu" or "no" and make a slight dash with the leash.
Step 3
Take your dog for a walk in a muzzle, but without a leash, then he will not be able to pick up anything.
Step 4
Throw small stones from your hand or a slingshot at the dog when trying to pick up something from the ground without your pet seeing it. But do not go to extremes and throw stones at the dog, you can just scare or cripple it. You can resort to a prong collar and yank it in this case.
Step 5
When the dog is calmly running past the scattered bait, reward it with a treat from your pocket, leaving the danger zone.
Step 6
Offer the dog a few pieces from your hand, then drop a few on the ground. When you try to grab them, give the command "fu". The dog must understand that it is impossible to pick up from the ground.
Step 7
Provoke your dog to look for garbage and, when he finds it, reward him with a treat at this place.
Step 8
If you can't wean a dog to eat on the street on your own, you will have to contact a professional trainer.