How To Train A Toy Terrier Puppy To The Litter Box

How To Train A Toy Terrier Puppy To The Litter Box
How To Train A Toy Terrier Puppy To The Litter Box

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There is always a lot of trouble with a small puppy - he is very active, does not yet know the commands and leaves puddles all over the house. If you do not want to constantly stumble upon traces of puppy activity in the most unexpected places, train your toy terrier to the litter box.

How to train a toy terrier puppy to the litter box
How to train a toy terrier puppy to the litter box

It is necessary

  • - tray;
  • - filler.


Step 1

The sooner you start doing this, the sooner your dog will understand what is wanted from him. Ideally, you need to start training your toy terrier to the litter box from the moment you bring it into the house.

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Step 2

Ask the breeder how the puppies' litter box was arranged in their home. Perhaps the little toy terriers are used to going to the newspaper, or the breeder used special absorbent diapers or cat litter. In order for the baby to quickly understand what is required of him, it is worth gradually accustoming him to the new filler.


Step 3

Get a tray with low sides so your puppy can climb into it on his own. If your toy terrier is very small, then put the tray in the same room where the puppy's bed is, because if the baby feels the urge to urinate, he will not be able to endure and run to the tray in the toilet or corridor. In the tray, place the material that the breeder used - newspaper, diaper, filler.

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Step 4

As soon as you see that your toy terrier has stopped playing and started looking for a place where he could relieve himself, put the dog in the litter box and do not let it out until it does its job in the right place. Sometimes you have to sit with dogs for an hour, so please be patient. After the toy terrier has done what you want him to do, be sure to reward the puppy.

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Step 5

Gradually, you can train your puppy to walk on whatever litter is convenient for you. If he previously wrote on the newspaper, sprinkle some cat litter on top of it, gradually increasing the amount and reducing the size of the newspaper. Also, when your toy terrier is older and is able to control the urge to urinate, you can move the litter box to a location convenient for you.
