Choosing the right kitty litter can solve many problems. The kitten will not experience problems with the litter box, and an unpleasant odor will not appear in the apartment. There are many options on sale - give preference to the one that suits you and your pet will like.

Fillers: what they are

Once upon a time, cat owners could choose between sand and newspapers. Today the possibilities are much wider - manufacturers offer dozens of items. When choosing one or another option, take into account the nature of your cat, the characteristics of its coat, age and much more. An important factor is the price and efficiency of one or another filler.

The simplest and cheapest filler is wood pellets made from pressed sawdust. They are usually made from softwood waste. But there are other varieties of organic pellets - for example, made from wheat straw. Organic litters are safe for pets, they are suitable for pets with allergies and small kittens. There are also disadvantages - wood pellets quickly soak, stick to cat's paws and spread throughout the apartment.

A large group of absorbent fillers are made from various minerals. The most effective is attapulgite filler. It is more expensive than other absorbent options and is not often found on the market. An alternative to an expensive sorbent is more affordable "backfill" made of limestone, sepiolite and other similar materials. They are poured into a tray and completely changed after a few days. Some cats prefer this type of litter. The disadvantages include inefficiency. In addition, after visiting the toilet with a cat, chalk traces may remain on the floor.

A very popular type is bentonite-based clumping fillers. Moisture, getting on small particles of clay, forms lumps that need to be removed without changing the entire contents of the tray. Bentonite fillers also have disadvantages. The cat can lick off the particles adhered to the fur and the process of "clumping" will occur in her stomach. Therefore, this type of filler is not suitable for long-haired cats, as well as kittens under one year of age. Clumping fillers are more difficult to dispose of - they should never be thrown down the drain.

The most recent offer on the filler market is silica gel. This is a dried polysilicic acid gel, similar in composition to ordinary sand. Outwardly, silica gel resembles pieces of glass - transparent and colorless. Sometimes colored granules are included. This type of filler perfectly absorbs moisture, and in the process the transparent granules acquire a yellow color. The silica gel needs to be stirred daily to improve its absorbency. However, some cats are afraid of the rustling that the gel beads make.
Little cat litter tricks
When choosing a filler, do not buy large packages. Take a little of this or that kind by weight. If the cat approves of the novelty, and you appreciate the hygienic qualities of the product, it will be possible to purchase a large package.
Consider not only the type of filler, but also its brand. For example, silica gel can be fine or coarse, acute-angled or rounded. Please note that the quality of budget fillers often depends on the batch - this is especially true for wood pellets.
Not only the quality of the litter is important, but also the type of tray. If your cat buries waste with selflessness, buy a litter box with high, curved sides. You can put a rubber mat in front of the toilet - particles of filler sticking to the legs will remain on it.