How Is Pregnancy In Cats

How Is Pregnancy In Cats
How Is Pregnancy In Cats

After the onset of puberty, many cat owners begin to think about her first mating and the appearance of offspring. However, due to inexperience in such matters, they worry about the upcoming pregnancy of their pet and about its safe passage.

How is pregnancy in cats?
How is pregnancy in cats?

Cat pregnancy

find out if the cat is pregnant
find out if the cat is pregnant

On average, a cat's pregnancy lasts nine weeks. It can be recognized starting from the third week - by the nipples, which acquire a pronounced pink color. Also, the animal may vomit, as hormonal changes begin to occur in its body. From the fifth week, the cat begins to gain significantly in weight, and from the sixth week, her nipples will rapidly begin to increase, filling with milk. The expectant mother begins to sleep more and completely ignores cats if one of them is nearby.

Usually, cats during pregnancy become more gentle, quiet and affectionate, if they used to go outside, then during this period they are closer to home conditions.

Every day, a pregnant cat eats more and more, but a few days before giving birth, the appetite decreases markedly. Also, during pregnancy, intra-abdominal pressure rises in the animal's body, as a result of which urination and defecation become more frequent. Sometimes a cat may have a false pregnancy that occurs when ovulating without fertilization. A cat shows all the signs of pregnancy, which disappear in forty days, however, if they cause health complications, action should be taken. With frequent false pregnancies, doctors often recommend removing the cat's ovaries.

Care during pregnancy

First of all, the cat needs to provide proper and nutritious nutrition, rich in proteins and calcium. In the second half of pregnancy, you need to feed the cat with food that contains a lot of protein. You should also exclude all medicines, including drugs for fleas and worms. Since a large belly makes it difficult for the animal to wash on its own, it can be helped to cleanse the genitals with a soft, damp cloth.

During pregnancy, cats love solitude, so if there are other cats in the house, it is better to partially isolate the pregnant woman from them.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the cat should not climb on cabinets and other high places, since the weight of the uterus greatly shifts the center of gravity, and the animal may not maintain balance, falling from a height. Shortly before giving birth (about two weeks), the cat needs to make a nest - a box with newspapers or disposable baby diapers, laid in several layers. When kittens are born, they should not be wiped off with soft napkins, which can stick to the newborn and the cat will refuse to lick it. The box should be in a warm place - preferably where the cat loved to be during the entire pregnancy. Sometimes childbirth can take more than a day, so you should have everything you need on hand, including the phone of the nearest veterinary clinic.
