It is profitable to raise broiler chickens in a home yard. If fed properly, they gain weight quickly. It is helpful for the budding farmer to know what to feed the broilers so they grow well.

Feeding rate for broilers
Broilers grow intensively, 50-60-day-old chickens have a meat yield of 1, 8-2 kg. But this is provided, if they are properly maintained and well fed. As a rule, the ration fits into the "prestart - start - feeding - finish" scheme.
You cannot get a good weight gain without compound feed, it contains, in the right proportions, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, proteins. At different stages of life, a broiler needs a different set of nutrients, therefore, different types of compound feed should be used:
- for chickens - from 0 to 14 days;
- for young animals - from 15 to 40 days;
- for young chickens - from 41 to slaughter.
Approximate feeding rate:

How to feed broilers at home
Compound feed is an expensive pleasure, if you feed the bird with one compound feed, the cost of meat will be high. When growing broilers at home, additional feed is welcomed: millet, crushed grain (wheat, barley, corn), eggs, cottage cheese, vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, beets), chopped grass (nettle, dandelion, onions). This will not only reduce the cost of production, but also improve the taste of the meat.
The diet of chickens aged from one day to one week should include substances that contribute to the normal functioning of digestion. In the morning, they can be given a mixture of hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese and millet porridge. It is useful to cook porridge in fish or meat broth. Pour one glass of millet into a liter of boiling water or broth, close the pan with a lid and remove from the stove. In the afternoon, the feed should be dry - this is compound feed or finely crushed grain.
Grown up weekly chicks can be fed wet food, which includes grated carrots or pumpkin, finely chopped grass, and chopped eggshells. Wet mash of the daily norm is half, the second half is dry food. Separately put the shell and chalk.
From two weeks of age, you can add peas, it contains a substance that is very useful for chickens, lysine. Peas should be soaked and then twisted in a meat grinder. Replace millet porridge with a mash of crushed grain mixture. Meat and bone meal and fish are necessary for the rapid growth of chickens; it is better to boil it and pass it through a meat grinder. Raw fish imparts a specific smell to the meat.
For monthly broilers, you can prepare a mash of boiled vegetables: potatoes, beets and bran. Replace the crusher with whole grain plus mixed feed.
It must be remembered that broiler chickens are demanding on water. She should always be in the drinkers.