"Renal Edvansed" (for Cats): Indications, Application, Owner Reviews

"Renal Edvansed" (for Cats): Indications, Application, Owner Reviews
"Renal Edvansed" (for Cats): Indications, Application, Owner Reviews

Kidney disease is common in domestic cats. There are many reasons and prerequisites for the disease: genetic predisposition, diet disorders, lack of fluid, improper treatment. Both minor malfunctions of the kidneys and serious diseases such as chronic renal failure are possible. To improve the condition of cats will help a special food supplement "Renal Edvansed", which improves the functioning of the kidneys and relieves them of unnecessary stress.


"Renal Edvansed": composition and form of release

Renal Advansed is a nutritional supplement for cats designed to strengthen the body's defenses, increase the overall nutritional value of the diet and improve kidney function. The drug is produced by the Italian company Istituto Farmaceutico Candioli S.p. A, there are 2 forms of the drug on sale: powder and paste.


The powder is packaged in plastic bottles with a screw cap and a protective membrane. Each bottle is packed in a cardboard box and comes with detailed instructions. The volume of the jar is 40 g. The powder is fine, free-flowing, pinkish-beige. A plastic measuring spoon is included with the package.

The preparation contains the following active substances:

  1. Fructooligosaccharides. Prebiotics, gently lowering blood pressure, lowering the total amount of lipids and cholesterol in the blood. They have a mild laxative effect, stimulate digestion, and contribute to the creation of a favorable microflora in the intestines of the cat.
  2. Orange bioflavonoids. Antioxidants that improve the absorption of ascorbic acid. They thin the blood, prevent thrombosis, protect the kidneys from adverse influences, and remove toxins.
  3. A complex of vitamins B6, B12, C. Strengthens the immune system, prevents the formation of kidney stones, improves metabolism.
  4. Folic acid. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body, participates in the synthesis of amino acids.
  5. Bacteria Lactobacillus acidophillius, Enterococcus faecium. They contribute to the creation of a favorable microflora, prevent dysbiosis, restore the body after treatment with antibiotics and other potent drugs.

Maltodextrin acts as a filler. It is recommended to store the powder away from heat sources, after opening the contents are used within 2 years. An expired remedy should not be given to cats, the remains of the powder are disposed of together with household waste.

Renal Edvansed paste is packaged in 15 ml plastic syringes equipped with a dispenser. Each syringe is packed in a cardboard box, instructions are included. The paste is brown in color and has a characteristic odor that attracts cats.


The main composition of the active ingredients is identical with the powder. In addition, other useful additives are included in the formula: pork liver extract, glycerol monostearate, refined sunflower oil, malt extract, soybean oil. The supplement can be stored for 24 months from the date of issue indicated on the box.

Indications and contraindications

Renal Edvansed is recommended for cats of any age, weight and breed. Most often, the powder is prescribed for:

  • various congenital or acquired kidney pathologies;
  • chronic renal failure or a hereditary predisposition to it;
  • severe reduced body weight and poor appetite.

A food supplement may be recommended in the postoperative period. The highly nutritious powder will improve the quality of the feed and reduce the strain on the hatching system. In addition, the powder will help to quickly rid the body of toxins, which is important when treating weakened animals.

For prophylactic purposes, "Renal Edvansed" is prescribed to cats with an increased risk of chronic renal failure and strictly according to the test results. After the recommended course, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian, it is advisable to take repeated tests. If the cat's condition has improved, the prophylactic course can be repeated after 6-12 months.

The drug has no contraindications, individual intolerance to one of the components may become an obstacle to use. In case of an overdose, mild bowel upset, loose stools, or refusal to eat are possible. In case of diarrhea, it is worth giving the cat a mild adsorbent, for example, Enterosgel, mixed with water. When refusing food, it is recommended to temporarily abandon the supplement, and after a few days, reintroduce it into the diet.

Mode of application

It is recommended to give food additives together with feed. For better dissolution, it is better to use a wet diet rather than a dry one. The powder is scattered over the surface of the feed and mixed. The paste can be squeezed directly into the mouth or given to the cat to lick it off the hand.


It is recommended to combine nutritional supplements with dietary reduced protein diets. Powder and paste have an attractive taste and smell, increase the animal's appetite. It is important to ensure that the cat completely eats the offered portion. If desired, it can be given with the first meal or divided into 2-3 doses.

The recommended dose for the paste is 1 ml per 1 kg of the cat's weight. It is convenient to apply the powder with a measuring spoon attached to each bottle. A cat weighing up to 2.5 kg needs 1 spoon of food supplement, up to 5 kg - 2 spoons, over 5 - 3. Both versions of the drug are well combined with any food (conventional and medicinal), do not conflict with drugs used in the treatment of chronic renal failure …

The standard course for any stage of chronic renal failure is from 20 to 60 days, the exact time is determined by the doctor, depending on the individual condition of the animal. If necessary, the course can be continued, weakened cats can receive "Renal Advansed" on an ongoing basis. The drug is not addictive.

Owner reviews

Pet cat owners have appreciated the nutritional supplement. Its availability is most often noted compared to the more expensive dry and wet prepared rations. Pet owners say that cats with poor appetite are more willing to eat food flavored with Renal Edvansed, the food is well absorbed, and the digestion process is not disturbed. Refusal to eat, diarrhea, or vomiting are rare. Some cats prefer to receive Renal Advansed in short courses, abandoning it after 10-15 days.


The owners clarify that you need to get used to the powder gradually, preferably mixing it with wet food. Affected cats should receive small amounts of food, but more often than usual. It is better to divide the daily portion of feed into 4-5 parts, adding a little Renal Advansed to each. The mass is mixed well and offered to the animal. For more attractiveness, canned food can be reheated. Do not feed your cats food directly from the refrigerator. Pre-opened bags also lose attractiveness, pets suffering from poor appetite prefer only fresh food.

If the animal is losing weight, you can use special nutritious canned food with a paste consistency. It is important not to give sick cats high-protein foods, they can provoke an exacerbation of chronic renal failure. As a preventive measure, "Renal Edvansed" is given in courses of 15-20 days, you should first consult a veterinarian.

Powders and pastes are in equal demand. Some owners note that the paste in the syringe is more convenient for force feeding cats with severe CRF. These animals often suffer from lack of appetite and quickly lose weight. However, the paste has a more pronounced laxative effect due to the inclusion of vegetable oils in the formula. If the cat has diarrhea, powder can be substituted for the creamy supplement.

Renal Edvansed is a balanced and completely safe supplement that improves the quality of life of cats with CRF. The drug is not addictive, easily tolerated by animals and does not conflict with medications. The only drawback may be the high price, but the supplement will cost less than constant nutrition with medicinal dry and wet food.
