How To Wean A Cat From Eating Flowers

How To Wean A Cat From Eating Flowers
How To Wean A Cat From Eating Flowers

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If you are both a lover of indoor plants and a cat owner at the same time, then most likely your pets are in conflict. More precisely, a cat oppresses plants: it eats them, plays with them, sleeps on flowers, or shits in a pot. And the flowers naturally suffer from this. But weaning a cat from eating flowers is not so difficult.

The cat eats flowers not out of harm, he just needs greens
The cat eats flowers not out of harm, he just needs greens

It is necessary

  • cat grass,
  • spray,
  • orange peels.


Step 1

If the cat eats flowers, then the animal lacks vitamins. Cats need grass so that the wool that enters the intestines comes out from there. And folic acid, which is vital for a cat, does not come from normal food, so he has to eat plants. Domestic cats, if you do not get special grass for them, will always gnaw on indoor flowers, remember this. Set up pots of special grass for animals at home. The easiest way is to take a wooden box and put sawdust and oats in it. Moistening the sawdust will create favorable conditions for the germination of the grains. A week or two - and the cat food is ready. You can buy sprouted oats or special cats at the pet store, catnip is a favorite treat for many cats. As soon as the cat notices the grass intended for him, he will most likely forget about the forbidden plants. Usually cats are delighted with "green" food, so the plants will now be safe.

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Step 2

Some cats, even if you organize a personal "flower bed" for them, still continue to gnaw flowers. Maybe they like the taste, or maybe it's a matter of habit. In any case, the first step is to rearrange the plant pots so that the cat cannot reach them.

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Step 3

It is a good practice to add something to the pot that has a pungent odor that the cat hates, such as orange peels or zest. You can grease the pot itself with orange or lemon scented oil. The most important thing is not to forget to renew the smell, which wears off over time, to put in new crusts.

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Step 4

Do not forget, on occasion, make it clear to the cat that it is impossible to eat houseplants. If you see that the cat is heading towards the flowers, yell at him. Keep a spray bottle close at hand and spray the cat with water. The negative reflex will take hold in the animal's brain.
