The Scottish Fold, or, as it is called in English-speaking countries, the Scottish Fold, is one of the most famous and valuable breeds of cats. The unusual appearance of kittens with their small ears pressed against a round muzzle makes these babies very popular both among professional breeders and among amateurs.

Step 1
Decide why you are taking a kitten. According to the international classification, Scottish Folds can be PET-class (pets, as a rule, are sold with the condition of compulsory castration, do not participate in exhibitions), BREED-class (for breeding and participation in exhibitions) and SHOW-class (with a rich pedigree, from parenting champions). The run-up in prices for kittens of different categories is great and can fluctuate within tens of thousands of rubles.

Step 2
Choose a future pet only from breeders, even if you are going to take a kitten not for exhibitions, but for yourself. Even if you are new to breeding purebred animals, do not buy a kitten off-hand at the “bird market”. It is better to look for ads in newspapers or on the Internet, and then personally visit the seller. Pay attention to the appearance of the mother cat, do not hesitate to ask questions about the content of Scottish Folds, their nutrition. Ask to show a photo of a breeding cat if he does not live in the same house. So you can determine the purity of the breed and imagine how your pet will become when it grows up.

Step 3
Carefully examine the kitten you like for the purity of the breed. The classic purebred Scottish Fold from birth should have tiny ears close to the skull, a long tail, large round eyes, and a dense body. Do not take a kitten under one and a half months, if he is not already accustomed to the tray and scratching post, not vaccinated or has not undergone deworming (treatment against parasites).

Step 4
Pay attention to the behavior of the kitten in its familiar environment. A healthy and well-developed Scottish Fold should have mobility and playfulness, be curious and not shy from strangers. With proper care, the animal's coat will be shiny and smooth, the eyes and ears will be clean, and the belly will be free of swelling when probed. Be wary if the Scotsman of your choice emits a rare smell of urine: this is a sign of poor grooming and, as a result, uncleanliness of the cat.

Step 5
Focus on your own preferences when choosing the color of the Scottish fold. Today, animals of this breed can boast of a variety of colors, ranging from red marble to smoky spotted. But keep in mind that the final mating period in kittens of this breed ends only by four months (and even then not for all). Therefore, it can be problematic even for professional breeders to predict what kind of grown-up Scotsman will be.