What Are The Features Of The Labrador Retriever Breed

What Are The Features Of The Labrador Retriever Breed
What Are The Features Of The Labrador Retriever Breed

The Labrador Retriever breed has won special love among dog owners in recent years. A very loyal and loyal dog to its owner. He loves children, which is why Labrador puppies are readily accepted into the family. The Labrador is active, playful, cheerful and peaceful. The advantages of this breed are countless.

breed Labrador Retriever
breed Labrador Retriever

Today, you can often meet owners of Labradors on walks. What prompted them to make this choice when getting a pet? The Labrador breed has become very popular over the past decades. The Labrador Retriever is an example of true sincere friendship, as well as devoted and selfless love. Labradors were bred specifically for hunting, but its peaceful disposition, playful temperament and gentle nature allowed this breed to become the most ideal for keeping in the family. Labras are very mobile, they like to play and run actively, they like to walk a lot. Often they can get dirty while walking, but this is solved simply - with a damp towel.

Labradors fit well into any family, becoming a great companion for single people. An agreeable, kind, affectionate dog is suitable for keeping in families with children, no one will love children as much as Labradors. This breed does not have an aggression gene at all, so they are calmly left alone with the kids.

The Labrador Retriever helps people in many areas of activity:

  • perfectly perform the role of a guide, helping blind people;
  • hunters appreciate this breed for their flair and soft grip (they do not crumple and carefully grab the game with their mouth, bringing it to the owner);
  • Labradors help rescuers find people in the rubble: many lives have been saved thanks to them.

Labrador puppies are easy to train, even children of 8-9 years old can cope with their training. A good companion for sports jogging, friendly to all representatives of the animal world, always cheerful and cheerful. Doesn't require any special hair care and frequent bathing.
