Each dog breed must meet certain exterior standards. Sheepdogs - German and East European - are also no exception. One of the recognized standards is correctly set ears.

Step 1
If by the age of three or four months the puppy's ears have not risen, you will have to start setting them up. The sooner you fix this defect, the better.
Step 2
Check the dog's pedigree again. Consult with dog handlers and veterinarians. It is possible that his ears do not rise because there were non-purebred shepherds in his family, or because his mother did not eat well during pregnancy. In the first case, you will have to put up with the state of affairs, in the second - start intensively feeding the puppy with vitamin and mineral supplements with calcium and phosphorus, which will strengthen the cartilaginous tissue of the auricle. If you are an advocate of a natural diet, give him bones, dairy products, minced fish.
Step 3
However, if there are no problems with either the pedigree or the health of your pet's mother, this does not mean that he does not need such feeding.
Step 4
Determine if you need to glue the ears and in what place. To do this, use the tips of your thumb and forefinger to feel the auricle. Find the weak point (this is either a small strip, or "spot"). It is enough to squeeze this area between the fingers, and the ear immediately stands up.
Step 5
If this place is located in the upper third and has the shape of a "spot", then gluing is not needed. Just continue to feed your puppy as intensively so that his body does not need calcium and phosphorus. If this is a strip, then it has formed a hall, which must be glued.
Step 6
A weak spot located in the middle or lower part of the ear must be glued in any case.
Step 7
Prepare two pieces of cardboard that are slightly larger than the weak area. Cut off a piece of adhesive plaster (then you will need another one to fix it).
Step 8
Plug the ear canal with a piece of cotton wool. Cut or shave the hair very short on the inside of the ear where you will be applying the patch. Dampen a cotton swab with vodka and wipe the clipped area. Then treat it with the same sticky side of one of the pieces of the patch (so that later you can remove it without damaging the skin of the auricle). Wait for everything to dry. Apply the plaster. Press it firmly against the auricle so that it does not wrinkle.
Step 9
Take one of the pieces of cardboard you have prepared and grease it on one side with Moment glue. The patch already in the ear should also be lubricated. Don't let go of the dog. Hold your ear for a few minutes so that it does not stick together. After 7-10 minutes, glue the cardboard. Secure it with a second piece of plaster.
Step 10
Treat the other ear in the same way. Remove the cardboard and plaster after 1-2 weeks.