If you dream of becoming the owner of a shepherd dog, but doubt whether you can tame and raise it successfully, then there is good news for you - they are surprisingly easy to train. Sheepdogs are intelligent and loyal dogs, but nevertheless, several points must be taken into account in their upbringing.

Step 1
A shepherd dog can be successfully kept in an urban environment only if it is regularly provided with sufficient physical activity, walks and games in the fresh air. Suffering from a lack of activity and impressions, the shepherd can become unhappy, sad and start mischievous in order to somehow explain to the owner his dissatisfaction with life. Give your dog at least an hour of outdoor activity and it will be very easy to tame.

Step 2
Walking outside can be a good reason to train your shepherd dog. First, she needs to make it clear that you are the owner and leader. Slowly teach her to follow her heels. In no case do this with threats, raising your voice or punishing - a proud shepherd dog will never forgive such an attitude towards himself. You will encounter extreme stubbornness when using these methods. The character of each dog is individual, and they need a different approach - if one way of negotiating did not work, do not despair and try another.

Step 3
Sheepdog is a guard dog by nature. She does not need to be specially trained to guard your family and home. Despite the fact that in general it is a calm and benevolent dog, it can bark loudly and, even worse, bite if it does not like an intruder or stranger. The Shepherd needs to be made to understand that it is not worth reacting to some people in this way, but not with the help of threats, but gradually explaining and showing.

Step 4
Use a variety of treats to reward your dog - it works much more effectively than strictness.

Step 5
You need to start training a small shepherd dog already in childhood - from about 2 months. During this time, all the requirements of the owner are perceived as something natural, and the puppies are surprisingly easy to learn. Prerequisite: if you started teaching the puppy some command, but encountered some difficulties, in no case give up trying, but get the dog to understand the command. Otherwise, this is the command you can never teach her.

Step 6
Watch the puppy's reactions, whether he is afraid of you, whether he becomes too quiet and alert - this indicates a trauma to the psyche and the need for an urgent change of tactics.