How Pregnancy Progresses In Dogs

How Pregnancy Progresses In Dogs
How Pregnancy Progresses In Dogs

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Pregnancy and childbirth is a difficult period not only for the dog itself, but also for its owner, especially if the bitch is a representative of decorative breeds bred as a result of artificial selection. Pregnancy in dogs lasts about 9 weeks, the more puppies she carries, the faster she can give birth.

How pregnancy progresses in dogs
How pregnancy progresses in dogs


Step 1

The first 20-25 days no external signs of pregnancy are observed, but many owners note a change in the behavior of the animal - the dog becomes more "sedate", less aggressive and active. During the period when the embryos attach to the inner surface of the uterus, this is about a week and a half after mating, signs of toxicosis can be observed - lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting with foam.

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Step 2

It is also not always possible to focus on a growing belly - if the dog is shaggy and carries 1-2 puppies, it may not be noticeable until the very birth. But in most bitches, the belly becomes noticeable by the beginning of 4-5 weeks. By this time, pigmentation appears around the nipples, they increase in size, the skin swells around them and hair begins to fall out. By the end of 6-7 weeks, you can already feel how the puppies are moving if you put your hand on the dog's belly. Colostrum in those dogs that have already given birth may appear a week before giving birth, in primiparous bitches a few hours before them and even during childbirth.

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Step 3

Intensive growth of puppies and an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid begins by the end of the 5th week. During this time, it is important that the dog always has enough fresh clean water to drink. The bitch at this time needs additional food, but no less than it, she needs communication with the owner. It has been noticed that during this period, dogs often demand to be fondled and stroked.

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Step 4

After 6-7 weeks, the dog should be especially protected, not allowed to jump over an obstacle and play active games so that it does not hit its stomach. An experienced dog handler can already probe and even count the puppies, each individually, but it is better to do an ultrasound scan and determine their number in advance in order to be ready during childbirth and provide the dog with timely assistance.

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Step 5

By the beginning of childbirth, 2-3 days before them, the dog begins to look for a secluded place where it will be convenient for her to give birth, sometimes the bitches, by their behavior, ask their owners to help them in this - they cling to their hands, look into their eyes, awaken to get up and go with them. Two days before delivery, the appearance of the genital loop changes - it swells and swells, the temperature in this area becomes higher than the usual body temperature of the dog. The mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus during this period dissolves and discharge appears from the genital loop of the dog, which means that delivery will take place within 24-48 hours.
