A hamster is an excellent pet: it does not take up much space, looks cute, is unpretentious in care, and is inexpensive. But you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of a pet so that in the future there are no problems with his health, upbringing and caring for him.

Step 1
There are several types of hamsters: Dzungarian, Syrian, Campbell's hamsters. Before buying an animal, find out detailed information about each species, read the rules for caring for them, see how they look. For example, the Syrian are very sociable, they quickly get used to the owner and require a lot of attention. Dzungarian are often kept in pairs, familiar from an early age.

Step 2
If you have decided on the type of future hamster, go shopping. It is best to buy small rodents in specialized pet stores that sell healthy animals. In such places, they can tell you about the characteristics of hamsters, describe the conditions of their keeping, advise food, cages and other necessary accessories. The market will not provide you with such recommendations.

Step 3
When choosing a hamster, pay special attention to the following characteristics: gender, age, health. According to experts, it is undesirable to take a small animal less than three weeks old, they still cannot eat normally and take care of themselves on their own. Matured hamsters older than three months also do not need to be bought, they are more difficult to tame.

Step 4
It is always better to buy one individual, if you are not going to breed hamsters. A heterosexual couple will breed, and a same-sex couple will divide the territory. But Dzungarian and dwarf hamsters get along well with each other.

Step 5
If the sex of the animal is important to you, learn to identify it. First, it is possible to distinguish males from females by behavior - boys are calm, slow, girls fuss, run fast and move more nervously. Secondly, you can examine the lower abdomen of animals: in males it is more elongated than in females. Also, you may notice that female hamsters have two holes close together.

Step 6
Check the animal's health carefully. The hamster's hair should be dry, clean, without bald patches, the eyes should be clear, without pus. Examine the anus of the animal, it should not be dirty, otherwise there is a possibility that it suffers from an infection or worms, which over time can destroy it. In addition, the behavior of the hamster will tell about health - it should not be lethargic. During the day they often sleep, so it is difficult to distinguish healthy individuals from sick ones. Come and choose your hamsters in the evening so you can watch them.