Why And How To Bathe A Cat

Why And How To Bathe A Cat
Why And How To Bathe A Cat

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Cats and cats are very clean animals that are able to wash with their tongues. However, this does not mean that pets do not need to be bathed periodically. And this must be done in a certain sequence.

Why and how to bathe a cat
Why and how to bathe a cat


Step 1

Please note that bathing your cat is a necessary procedure, as the animal's fur gradually becomes dirty when it comes into contact with various surfaces. In addition, people who like to pet the animal themselves contribute to the appearance of excess fat on the scalp.

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Step 2

Remember that the frequency of bathing your cat depends on how often he is outside. If the cat goes out for a walk every day, you can wash it 1-2 times a week. Animals that are constantly at home should be bathed no more than once every 2-3 months.

than wash pugs
than wash pugs

Step 3

Prepare to bathe your pet. Purchase a special shampoo from a pet store. Place a rubber mat on the bottom of the tub to prevent the feet from slipping. Get a warm person into it to help you with bathing, as cats are very afraid of water, and you need someone to hold the animal while you do all the hygiene procedures.

What a pug looks like
What a pug looks like

Step 4

Place the pet on the bottom of the tub, soak thoroughly all of its fur, while avoiding getting water in the eyes and ears. For convenience, you can plug them with small cotton balls.

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labrador puppies smell of wool after bathing

Step 5

Rub some shampoo into your hands. Apply to the coat, spreading it evenly over the back, belly, chest, tail and legs. Detailed instructions for use are most often presented on the bottle. Rinse off the shampoo in the shower and then gently wash the cat's face without soap, washing the fur around the ears with extreme care.

Step 6

Wrap the washed animal in a large towel, blot several times and leave to dry in a warm room. Comb the long-haired animal with a special brush. You can dry the fur with a hair dryer if your pet is not afraid of loud noise, or you can place the cat wrapped in a towel under the battery.
