Many of them keep and raise sheep in their backyards. The animals are very unpretentious, they provide a lot of products not only for food purposes, such as meat, milk, fat, but also for industrial purposes: wool, sheepskin, and trush. To keep sheep in the household does not require expensive buildings and large material investments, which makes their breeding even more valuable.

It is necessary
- - sheepfold;
- - hay;
- - straw;
- - feeders;
- - drinkers;
- - concentrates;
- - root crops;
- - salt;
- - pasture.
Step 1
To get started with sheep breeding, buy animals of the breed that will meet the requirements. Three groups are subdivided - these are fine-wool, from which the fluff is obtained; semi-fine wool, suitable for both fluff and meat, as they are very large and grow rapidly; coarse-haired, which are kept for meat and sheepskin. The most common for home keeping are animals of the Romanov breed. Unlike others, the uterus of the Romanov sheep can bear several lambs, sometimes their number reaches 5 pieces per lamb. In addition, the prices for products from Romanov sheep are higher, in particular for sheepskins.
Step 2
Romanov sheep remember well the way home from the pasture, which also distinguishes them from other breeds, for example, merino sheep, which can only be allowed to graze with goats, they know their home well and will find their way from any pasture. But if the Romanov breed is driven out to pasture together with the merino breed, then all the sheep will not find their way back, because they have a sense of herd and go one after another. But what kind of sheep the owner will keep is up to him. The care and maintenance of animals of any breed does not differ from each other.
Step 3
Sheep can live up to 25 years, but they are not kept for that long. A sheep is kept in a household for a maximum of 7-8 years. After this age, the teeth of the animals wear out and productivity decreases. Therefore, buy young sheep, and best of all, small lambs.
Step 4
Keep small lambs in a warm sheepfold, as they still have little wool and are prone to colds. Whereas for adults you can arrange a boardwalk, the main thing is that there are no drafts. Sheep should be kept on a deep bed of straw. If there are severe frosts, then bring the entire litter of lambs into a heated room.
Step 5
Sheep are very demanding on the cleanliness of the feeders and drinkers. They will never eat up leftover hay or drink from a dirty trough. Thoroughly scoop up any leftover food and give it to the cow or pigs.
Step 6
Take lambs from the mother with a weight of at least 10-12 kg. Even under the uterus, from day 20, start feeding them with soft hay, leaves from brooms, boiled potatoes, root vegetables. Grind all root vegetables thoroughly. Feed the lambs 4-6 times a day in small portions. Clean and wash the feeder thoroughly after each feed.
Step 7
Feed adults with hay, root crops, concentrates. Be sure to add at least 10 grams of salt to the feed. for one individual. Feed only during the stall period, since during grazing, the sheep will not remain hungry even in late autumn, when there is little grass and the cows already have nothing to eat. Exceptionally in rare cases, during grazing, additional feeding is carried out, when the sheep are not driven out due to late succulence.
Step 8
Shear sheep only before the onset of steady heat. Before the onset of cold weather or during their sheep do not shear.