How Mollies Reproduce

How Mollies Reproduce
How Mollies Reproduce

It may not be entirely correct to recommend mollies for novice aquarists specifically for breeding, since this fish is quite difficult and with claims. However, if you get acquainted with the rules of its cultivation, and they do not seem too complicated, then why not.

How mollies reproduce
How mollies reproduce

Mollies are fish belonging to the Peciliaceae family. They are viviparous. Due to selection, there is a wide variety of these fish, but in any species, the males are smaller than the females. Natural habitat - Central America.

Conditions for obtaining mollies' offspring

For the successful breeding of mollies, an aquarium with a volume of at least 60 liters is required, and best of all, a 100-liter one. Also, do not forget about the quality of the water. The water temperature in the aquarium should be around 26-28 degrees. To comply with this condition, it is necessary to install a heater.

It is imperative to add special salt to the aquarium, since the ancestors of mollies lived in brackish water. The calculation is as follows: one tablespoon of salt per 20 liters.

You can feed mollies with food in the form of flakes, frozen bloodworms, if possible, buy live or frozen brine shrimp; black worms - give about three a day.

Do not forget to change the water in the aquarium: 20% of the water every week. Another important factor: females need peace of mind. You need to make sure that no one bothers her: be it males or other inhabitants of the domestic reservoir. If this fact takes place, then you need to plant the males, or make the number of females predominant.

If all of the above conditions for keeping mollies are met, then the long-awaited result will not make you wait any longer, and in about a month the female will bear offspring. The female, without the help of the male, can produce offspring several times, therefore, when she becomes pregnant, there is no need to keep the male in the aquarium.

Before the birth of offspring, the female must be planted in a spawning aquarium.

Maintenance and care of fry

The fry, after birth, remain in the spawning aquarium. The rate of growth and development will directly depend on the quality of water and food (its quantity), temperature regime, etc. The generally accepted norm: the fry have become twice as large - they can be transplanted! What and how to feed them? Flakes, rubbing them into powder, using a plastic bag: put 1-2 tablespoons of flakes in a bag, remove unnecessary air and then knead it for 10-15 minutes.

In order to feed the fry with this powder (a small amount is needed), take a toothpick, wet the tip of it in water and dip it into the food, and then submerge the toothpick in the aquarium. This procedure must be performed several times a day.
