Owners may notice how the parrot pluck out its feathers. It so happens that the loss is several feathers, and it happens that feathers are removed all in a row. It's a shame to look at your pet in such a situation! How can you help the bird?

There can be several reasons for pulling out feathers from oneself. This may be due to the psyche of a parrot, living and feeding conditions, the appearance of diseases such as a fungus, or the appearance of parasites.
Possible reasons
- Improper pet feeding is the most common cause of feather loss. The parrot needs to be fed with the food that suits him. The special feed contains vitamins and microelements useful for it. Do not try to feed him sausage or meat, it will badly affect his health.
- It happens that a parrot becomes infected with parasites. It can be a puff louse, feather eater, scabies mite. The vital activity of the parasites irritates the bird and it plucks out its feathers. So that the parrot can help itself, maintaining hygiene, a container of sand is placed in the cage. You can also help the bird using wormwood or chamomile. In dry form, these preparations are rubbed into the feather cover. The cell must be treated with turpentine, then treated with boiling water and dried. To prevent parasites from starting, pour powder from dry chamomile, wormwood into the cage. Dry leaves of birch and bird cherry will also help.
- If a parrot is treated with oily ointments, the remains of medications remain on the feathers in the form of plaque, which the parrot cannot get rid of. For this reason, he pulls out the feathers entirely. If you do not get rid of the oily plaque in time, then plucking feathers can become a habit for the parrot.
- The reason for unauthorized parting with feathers can be stress. For example, the loss of a partner. Parrots are very sociable birds and the fact of parting drives them into melancholy. Parrots have to be busy with something in the cage. They are very fond of sorting out small objects. Let him have a varied arsenal of every little thing. It can be beads, jewelry, paper clips, caps, anything that interests him.