Many responsible owners spay non-breeding cats. It is not uncommon to hear that a spayed female is still asking for a cat. Can such stories really be justified, and for what reasons can this happen?

If your cat is not of a specific breed and is not a valuable breeder, or you simply do not want her to bring kittens, it is best to neuter the animal. True, sometimes we hear from different people that sterilization is, in fact, a useless procedure, from which there is no sense. They say that spayed cats ask for a cat just as much as normal cats. Is it really?
Do cats want a cat after spaying?

In fact, in many veterinary clinics, the term "sterilization" means exactly the castration of animals, so first check with your veterinarian whether the cat's ovaries will be removed during the operation or not.
Indeed, such an intervention in the animal's body as sterilization implies that as a result, the cat will lose exclusively reproductive function. That is, she will periodically be in heat and will retain the ability to have intercourse with a male. Another thing is that as a result of mating, the cat will not become pregnant and will not bring kittens, because it will actually become sterile.
If in a veterinary clinic not sterilization is performed, but castration of a cat, then her ovaries are completely removed. As a result, the cat is no longer in estrus and the period of sexual heat.
If your pet is free-range - for example, you live in a private house - then in order to prevent the unwanted appearance of kittens, you can sterilize her, which is easier and faster. For a domestic cat that does not go outside at all, castration is more suitable.
Do neutered cats want a cat?

During castration, the veterinarian removes both ovaries from the cat, and in addition to them, the uterus is often removed. In the vast majority of cases, this is guaranteed to relieve you of all the problems that are associated with a cat's sexual behavior: piercing meows, rolling on the floor and other symptoms so familiar to all owners of adult cats. However, a small percentage of cats may experience this behavior again some time after neutering. What is the reason for this?
Soybean can be determined by the results of the analysis for hormones, the collection of which is carried out in the veterinary clinic. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then you need to do a second operation and remove the fragment of the ovary left in the body of the animal.
The most common cause of this is the so-called left ovarian syndrome (SOY). During castration, a veterinarian may inadvertently remove not all ovaries entirely, but leave part of one of them. In this case, the tissue left behind takes over the function of the whole ovary and produces sex hormones, which makes the neutered cat beg for the cat.
Veterinarians sometimes assume that the pituitary gland or uterus may be the cause of the cat's sexual behavior after castration, if the latter was not removed during the operation. This assumption is fundamentally wrong. Neither the pituitary gland nor the uterus can provoke a cat asking for a cat.