How To Stop The Tail In Dogs

How To Stop The Tail In Dogs
How To Stop The Tail In Dogs

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Docking of tails was known back in the days of the Roman Empire - then it was believed that this operation was able to prevent rabies. Later, hunting dogs began to cut their tails so that they did not hurt them on the bush while hunting. Representatives of service and fighting breeds had their tails shortened as the most vulnerable spots in the event of a fight with wolves. And although for many breeds this operation has long lost its meaning, and you can often see a spaniel or a Rottweiler with a long tail, many breeders still prefer to dock them.

How to stop the tail in dogs
How to stop the tail in dogs

It is necessary

  • - scissors,
  • - medical alcohol,
  • - potassium permanganate in crystals,
  • - thread,
  • - rubber,
  • - newspapers or light-colored rags


Step 1

The first and most common way to dock your tail is by cropping. This operation is performed when the puppies are 5 days old on average, depending on the breed. For medium-sized breeds, such as the cocker spaniel, it is best to trim the tail in 4-5 days, small breed puppies can wait a little longer - until the age of 5-7 days. But for representatives of large breeds, such as the Rottweiler, docking should be carried out no later than 2-3 days, otherwise there is a great risk of blood loss, even death.

Step 2

Anesthesia or anesthesia is not required, because at the age of several days, puppies are not yet very sensitive to pain. In addition, the vertebrae have cartilage density and the cut heals very quickly. But if for some reason the puppy was not docked before 10 days of age, then this procedure can be carried out only under anesthesia and with sutures. But you will have to wait, since the dog is allowed to give anesthesia not earlier than 3-6 months.

Step 3

It is most reliable to call a veterinarian or an experienced breeder of this breed for circumcision. However, if you are confident in your abilities and are not afraid of the sight of blood, try it. This skill will be especially useful if you intend to breed dogs on a regular basis. You can go to the veterinarian for the first time, carefully see what and how he will do, and then repeat what you saw yourself.

Step 4

Before stopping, send the mother-dog for a walk or lock it in another room, because the kids will squeak, and she will worry and try to defend the offspring. Disinfect the scissors with alcohol, you can boil them first. Be sure to drink your hands and table too. Take one puppy from the "nest" (the place where the bitch is with the puppies). You cannot cope with docking alone - you need someone to hold the puppy.

Step 5

The puppy should be placed on the table with its back up, pointing its tail towards the one who trims the tail. It should be held between the palms so that the body and all limbs are fixed. Measure the desired length, pull the skin to the base of the tail to the limit. Hold the tail firmly between your thumb and forefinger. Cut in one quick motion. Now the puppy needs to be turned over with its tummy up. Fill the wound with alcohol and sprinkle with potassium permanganate crystals. Watch the puppy on the table for about 5 minutes to see if the tail is bleeding.

Step 6

If everything is in order, then you can put the baby in a separate box lined with newspapers or light rags - if bleeding opens, you will immediately notice it. If the bleeding does not stop, then you need to tighten the rest of the tail closer to the wound with a thread. In case of bandaging, do not forget to carefully cut the thread after 2-3 hours. For greater reliability, you can immediately suture the wounds. After the operation, observe the puppies for half an hour, and then you can safely put them back to the mother.

Step 7

There is also a method of cupping with an elastic band. A rubber band is wrapped around the tail in the desired location. You can also wrap it around a fountain pen cap, insert a ponytail into it, and slide the elastic as needed. The puppy should walk with her for 2-3 days. The blood supply to the tail slows down and stops, after a few days the dead tip falls off by itself. This method is good for those who are afraid of blood, moreover, with this method there is practically no possibility of sepsis.

Step 8

Before cutting, you should measure the required number of vertebrae - each breed has its own standard for tail docking length. Although often veterinarians or inexperienced breeders leave only 1-2 vertebrae. So spaniels or wire-haired pointers are left with a third of the length of the tail, a decorative poodle or kerry blue terrier - half, and a Rottweiler and Doberman Pinscher only 1-2 vertebrae.
