It is no secret that the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin is an open person, who loves nature and animals. The most extensive "collection" of Vladimir Vladimirovich is dogs. He has several of them, some were presented to him, and he accepted such gifts with undisguised pleasure, rejoicing at them like a child.

President of the Russian Federation V. V Putin is interesting in every sense - as a politician, as a tactician and strategist in terms of the development of his country, as a person and as an animal lover. It is interesting that he is responsible not only in relation to his duties in the working sense, but also to his duties as the owner and owner of a large number of dogs - many of them have lived with him for many, many years, he is happy to share their achievements, joint rest, photographs of their offspring.
Putin's favorite dog is Labrador Connie
A charcoal black Labrador female named Connie Polgrave lived in the Putin family from 1999 to 2014. The girl was presented to Vladimir Vladimirovich Shoigu by Sergei, while still the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. She is a "pupil" of one of the dog nurseries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.
The friendship between the owner and the dog was so warm - she even attended meetings with the heads of other states that they jokingly began to call her Putin's adviser. Unfortunately, after living for 15 years, Connie died of old age, but left her descendants to Vladimir Vladimirovich, whom he gave away. Connie herself and her children have dogs
- Rostov pensioner Sergey Belevts,
- Governor of the Rostov Region,
- heads of the Nikelovsky district of the same region,
- President of Austria,
- Katya Sergienko is an ordinary schoolgirl from Smolensk,
- in the city rescue service of Vladikavkaz.
Connie is Putin's favorite, legendary dog. She even has a page in the Russian-language Wikipedia, she became the hero of a comic book in Ogonyok magazine, the book Connie Says is dedicated to her, and in St. Petersburg there is a monument to the First Dog of Russia, and the monument was cast from photographs of the President's Labrador Connie Polgrave.
Buffy Presidential Shepherd
In 2010, a representative of the Bulgarian government (Prime Minister) presented at that time to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Putin V. B a Bulgarian shepherd puppy. The present was greeted with sincere joy. The moment when Vladimir Vladimirovich kisses the puppy was captured by photographers, and the frames instantly scattered not only on the pages of newspapers, but also on the Internet.
The Bulgarian Shepherd Dog became the president's second pet, and in order to come up with a name for her, he announced an All-Russian competition. As a result, the nickname Buffy was chosen. The winner of the competition was a 5-year-old boy from Moscow Dima. Together with his parents, he visited Putin's residence at his invitation, where he was able to personally meet Buffy.
This pet of Putin was also not ignored by journalists and online publications. One of the radio channels released a song in his honor called "Just give a puppy to the premiere." Unlike Connie the Labrador, Buffy rarely appears "in public" with the owner. But their games can be seen in numerous photos, where Putin is resting with dogs. Today Buffy is already an adult dog, she has offspring, and she also lives with her owner, is loved by him and feels great.
Putin's dog from Japan
Giving puppies to Putin has already become a good tradition. It was continued by members of the Japanese delegation in 2012, presenting an Akita Inu dog named Yume for helping to eliminate the aftermath of the typhoon. The advantages of this breed:
- absolute fearlessness,
- high level of intelligence,
- endurance, excellent flair,
- the ability to determine the guest's intentions.
The puppy was handed over to Putin by the governor of the Japanese prefecture of Akita. Having learned that the guest from Japan loves cats, Putin presented him with a return gift - a purebred Siberian cat.
Four years later, during a regular meeting with representatives of Japan, Putin introduced them to the grown-up pet they had given them. The dog happily greeted the guests with a deafening bark, but at the request of the owner immediately calmed down and patiently waited for the end of the meeting.
In addition to the listed pets, Putin also had several dogs. Toy Terrier Tosya was bought in marriage with Lyudmila, and after the divorce she took him. Alabay named Verny Putin was presented by the President of Turkmenistan for his birthday in 2017. There is no information about this, the youngest of Putin's pupils, it is only known that he lives in one of the residences of Vladimir Vladimirovich near Moscow.