What Is Interesting Bushmaster

What Is Interesting Bushmaster
What Is Interesting Bushmaster

The bushmeister, or surukuku, is the largest venomous snake in South America from the viper family, a subfamily of pit viper snakes. This species is very rare, as it prefers to settle in uninhabited territories. Due to human expansion, the bushmeister's habitat is constantly shrinking. The Bushmaster leads a solitary life.

What is interesting bushmaster
What is interesting bushmaster

What does a bushmaster look like

Bushmaster is a snake up to 3 meters long. Some individuals can grow up to 4 meters in length. The weight of the snake is from 3 to 5 kg. The bushmaster's skin is covered with ribbed scales. The snake's tail is interesting - solid and hollow. Tail strikes against plants are reminiscent of the sound that rattlesnakes make. The color of the bushmeister is yellow-brown, which makes it possible to camouflage well in the thickets. Poisonous teeth of a snake up to 2.5 cm long.

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feeding a snake snake


The bushmaster hunts at night for rodents, birds and lizards. In anticipation of the victim, the snake can lie for several weeks in ambush near the paths. The bushmaster senses the approach of other animals with the help of thermal detectors located in the pits between the nostrils and the eye. Thermal radars detect temperature changes associated with the approach of the victim. All pit-headed snakes possess these senses. Having determined the location of the victim with the help of thermal radars, the snake attacks it and paralyzes it with the help of poison. Then it swallows the prey whole.

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Breeding bushmaster

Bushmaster refers to ovoviviparous snakes. The female lays 10 to 20 eggs in a shallow fossa. During the entire period of incubation of the clutch, the female protects it. Young snakes appear in 76-80 days and immediately go hunting.

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Interesting about the bushmaster

There are many myths about the bushmaster. There are legends that this snake is an evil spirit in the body of a snake and can bewitch a person, send a dream to him. Also, this snake is credited with the ability to extinguish flames and suck milk from cows and sleeping women.

Scientists have conducted experiments to study the thermolocation properties of the snake. The bushmeister was completely sealed with eye and ear holes. The snake continued to attack the victim, always accurately determining its location.

Only 25 cases of human snake bite are reliably known. Of these, 5 cases were fatal. Recent studies have proven that snake venom is not as toxic as previously thought.

The Latin name for the snake is Lachesis muta. Formed on behalf of Lachesis, the goddess of fate from ancient Greek mythology. According to myths, Lachesis gives lots to a person even before his birth.

Due to its unusual thick skin, the bushmaster has another name - pineapple snake.

Bushmeister's venom is used to make homeopathic medicines. These funds are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and genitourinary system, with arthritis, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, and gynecological diseases.

In the wild, the bushmaster can be caught once every six years. Expeditions sent to catch snakes in the Amazon basin cannot find this rare species.
