Monsters are not only in cartoons and fairy tales, there are many of them in real life. One has only to look closely. Although it is better not to do this, since the reaction of such creatures can be unpredictable.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it
They say that there are devils in the still waters. Of course, no one has checked the truth of this proverb, but in life this is most often the case. A person is surrounded by an amazing and diverse animal world! Here is the "buried dog": some of the fauna, usually outwardly calm, are real "monsters".
No joke with a rhino
Such "quiet ones", of course, include rhinos. They are all loners by nature. They almost never look for points of contact with their relatives. Moreover, these odd-hoofed animals in most cases do not harbor any anger towards their fellows. It is curious that not a single rhino protects its own territorial site, and generally treats outside visits of other individuals with complete calmness!
The horn of a rhinoceros does not consist of bone tissue, but of bristle-like hair glued to each other. That is why it is so highly regarded in oriental medicine.
The situation is completely different when a rhino meets a person. In this case, the animal becomes aggressive. The famous Scottish hunter John Hunter, describing the behavior of a rhinoceros when meeting a person, said that a rhinoceros is a "short-sighted old colonel" who accidentally discovers a stranger in his garden.
According to Hunter, the first impulse of the animal in this situation is the instinct to simply drive the alien away, but soon the rhino realizes that the person may be dangerous to him. This is where the self-preservation instinct comes into play! The animal begins to hesitate and get nervous, after which it goes into an attack. Woe to the one who got in his way!
Modern "dinosaurs"
According to archaeological excavations, more than 100 million years ago, giant reptiles dominated the planet Earth. Much has changed since then. Dinosaurs died out, but their closest descendants - birds and reptiles - remained. Birds in most cases do not pose a mortal danger to humans, and crocodiles do.
Crocodiles and alligators are among the most terrifying "monsters" both on land and in water. Large individuals have no rivals at all, since even the largest land animals - elephants - are afraid of them! In addition, some crocodiles are overly smart and show some ingenuity in the hunt.
The famous crocodile skin is a real armor. The reptile is covered from head to toe with thick horny scutes. In addition, bone plates are hidden in the thickness of the skin.
Fortunately, not all today's crocodiles pose a danger to large land animals and humans. For example, caimans feed exclusively on crabs and shellfish. And, nevertheless, the vast majority of crocodiles can be safely called modern "dinosaurs".