What Are Quails

What Are Quails
What Are Quails

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Quail meat is considered the most healthy and balanced, and it is recommended as a dietary food. If you decide to start a quail establishment, then you should know that some breeds are grown for meat, others are distinguished by high egg production, and still others are beautiful in themselves, and therefore are grown for decorative purposes.



Step 1

Egg quail

The Japanese quail was bred thanks to the selection of wild breeds. Birds have a long body with a small tail and short wings. In males, the color is slightly darker than in females, which are only covered with black spots. Females begin laying eggs already on the 60th day of their life. And, although the main drawback of this breed is its low weight, the birds produce about 300 eggs per year.

Step 2

White English quail eggs are superior in nutrient capacity to chicken eggs. The female weighs about 200 g and is quite capable of laying about 300 eggs per year. English quail is considered to be the most productive quail in the world in terms of egg production. English black quails were obtained by crossing breeds from Japan. Such birds weigh more than 180 g, but they lay fewer eggs - about 280 per year. To make the egg production of birds effective, place 1 male with 2-3 females in different cages.

Step 3

Meat Chains

The breed called "Pharaoh" was bred in the United States, and it somewhat resembles a Japanese relative in its color. Quails weigh almost 300 g, and males - about 200. "Pharaohs" lay only 200 eggs a year, but the breed is used for broiler carcasses.

Step 4

Tuxedo quails got this name because of their color: the lower part of the body and head are white, and the body is black. Birds produce 270 eggs per year, but a carcass weighing about 270 g can be used for diets.

Step 5

Decorative quail

Painted (Chinese) quail is a monogamous bird. It has a dark beak, a reddish belly and a gray-brown body. These quails are distinguished by low voices, and the male behaves like a real knight. He feeds the female and helps her build a nest.

Step 6

Virginia quails are quite unpretentious, they breed in captivity. The color of such a bird is very positive - from the frontal part to the neck, they are white, the neck is decorated with a black rim, and the top of the body is red-brown. The male, as a true winner, searches for the female by screaming loudly. To keep the quails comfortable, keep the birds in the grass.
