Distinguishing an adult cat from a cat is usually not difficult - the signs of male dignity in cats are expressed very clearly and unequivocally, and their absence clearly indicates that we are facing a cat. But with small kittens, this method usually does not work - the genitals of babies have not yet formed, and it is rather difficult to separate cats from cats "by eye". How to determine the gender of a kitten?

Step 1
When it comes to kittens at the age of one or two months, it is better not to be guided by the presence or absence of "bulges" under the tail - this will not help to distinguish a cat from a cat. The fact is that in Vasek and Murzikov, the testicles may not have descended yet, and in this case the scrotum will be very small, and it is almost impossible to see or feel it. But little Murok in the first weeks of life may have small swellings in the genital area, which will then disappear.

Step 2
Nevertheless, to accurately determine the sex of the kitten - just look at the shape and relative position of the urogenital openings. At the same time, the sex of newborn kittens is even easier to determine - their fur has not yet fluffed up and does not hide the structural features.

Step 3
To determine the sex of the kitten, gently place the baby on your palm (on the stomach) and gently lift the tail. Two holes are hidden under it. The upper one, located under the tail, is the anus, it looks the same for all kittens.

Step 4
If you see a vertical slit (vulva) under the anus at a short distance, then you have a cat in front of you. If the second hole is round and located slightly lower (at a distance of about a centimeter from the anus), this is the cat's urethra. In general, the picture that we see in a cat resembles the letter "i", and in a cat - a colon. And this difference allows you to accurately determine the sex of newborn kittens.