How To Treat An Itchy Dog with Medication

How To Treat An Itchy Dog with Medication
How To Treat An Itchy Dog with Medication

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Dog owners always take responsibility for their pet's health. If the animal often itches and is worried, then these are signs of a skin disease. Treatment is reduced to identifying and eliminating the causes of itching.

How to treat an itchy dog with medication
How to treat an itchy dog with medication


Step 1

Most often, owners pay attention to scratching on the skin of the animal. Other signs of itching include licking and gnawing on the pads of the paws, a swollen face, and frequent licking on certain areas of the body.

Step 2

One of the reasons that cause skin problems are parasitic diseases (fleas and ticks). Their bites cause an allergic reaction of the body to the parasite's saliva. Sarcoptic mange or subcutaneous mite is detected by laboratory, by taking a scraping from the skin. Treatment for these types of disease is reduced to antiparasitic treatment of the animal's body and symptomatic treatment. Antiparasitic drugs: Ivermek, Otodectin, Nilverm. A variety of pet treatment solutions, sprays, gels and shampoos are available at your veterinary pharmacy.

Step 3

Decreased immunity of the dog, leads to a violation of the skin microflora. The rapid growth of bacteria and fungi on the skin is also a cause of itching. Treatment is carried out with antifungal and antibacterial drugs: Imaverol, Amoxicillin, Baytril, Kobaktan, Tylosin, Gentam. Along with these drugs, immunomodulators are prescribed: "Ribotan", "Fosprenil", "Dostim", "Anandin". Biostimulants: Gamavit, Catosal, Maksidin, Roncoleukin.

Step 4

Food and non-food allergies in dogs are a common cause of itchy skin. Treatment begins with limiting the intake of an animal allergen, which causes an increase in histamine in the body. For food allergies, specialized feeds or veterinary diets are prescribed.

Step 5

Non-food allergy can manifest itself for many reasons: during the flowering period of plants, when washing the floors in the house with chlorine-containing detergents, if there is a specific smell in the room from new furniture, linoleum or carpet. The dog is treated with antihistamines: Dexafort, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Ekzekan, Antiches, Suprastin, Tavegil.

Step 6

If you have persistent signs of itching in your dog, you should contact a veterinary clinic. The results of the examination and laboratory examination of the animal make it possible to timely make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Step 7

Prevention consists in the regular treatment of the dog with antiparasitic drugs, in the spring-autumn period. Complete feeding, exclusion from the diet of smoked, sweet and salty foods. If you take your dog to the dacha, you must have injections of an antihistamine with you. An insect bite or plant pollen can cause severe allergies, which can lead to anaphylactic shock and pulmonary edema.
