Recently, the red-eared turtle appears more and more often in the homes of animal lovers. This interesting species of freshwater turtles is unpretentious in keeping. The red-eared turtle has an interesting color - bright red spots on the sides of the head, and the neck and legs are decorated with bright black and white stripes. In captivity, the red-eared turtle lives up to 30 years. But in order for your turtle to live to such a venerable age, take care of it properly.

It is necessary
- - glass aquarium;
- - plastic finished island;
- - a saucer with low edges;
- - special lamps for reptiles;
- - powerful water filter;
- - special vitamin supplements for feeding water turtles.
Step 1
Red-eared turtles should only be kept in aquaterrariums. One turtle needs a container with a volume of 100-150 liters. Change the aquarium water completely once a month. In this case, be sure to wash the walls with a special disinfectant. Water must be defended before filling the aquaterrarium. Be sure to use filters to limit water pollution from turtle excrement. Buy appliances with a capacity of 8-10 times the volume of water. Also, keep in mind that turtles often tear off filter parts in the water. Glue a glass or plastic plate into one of the corners that does not reach the bottom of the aquaterrarium.

Step 2
Although red-eared turtles spend most of their time in water, they still need dry land. It is not enough just to make a plastic raft. It is difficult for a turtle to climb such a raft. Make a real island for your pet, its size should be at least a quarter of the total area of the aquaterrarium. Make the entrance to the land rather shallow and rough. Turtles climb onto the shore clinging to their claws, so a smooth surface will not work. Ready-made turtle islands can be purchased at pet stores.

Step 3
Turtles need warmth. Hang a special lamp for reptiles over the island, in this case, you do not need to put the heater in the rest of the aquaterrarium. The turtle will be able to crawl out onto the island to warm up. You can install an ordinary incandescent lamp, its heat transfer is enough to keep the turtle warm. But the spectrum of conventional incandescent lamps lacks the colors necessary for the full development of the animal. This is especially true of ultraviolet radiation, which compensates for the lack of sunlight.
The temperature of keeping turtles on land should be + 26-28 degrees, in water + 24 degrees.

Step 4
Turtle food should be varied. The diet should contain both animal and plant foods. Red-eared turtles eat bloodworms, finely chopped meat, and special pelleted food well. Although this species of turtles belongs to predators, be sure to feed lettuce leaves, pond algae, and young cabbage leaves as plant food. The older the turtle, the more plant foods should be in its diet. If fish are kept in the same aquaterraium, a hungry turtle can eat small specimens, for example, guppies or neons. Therefore, feed it on time. To train your turtle to eat on land, first place the food pieces next to water. The turtle will get used to going out for feeding on the islet. Later, put in a low-edged saucer for food. Add some water to the saucer to make it easier for your turtle to eat. This saves you the hassle of changing water or bedding frequently, which can become very quickly contaminated with food debris.

Step 5
Try not to settle several males in one aquaterrarium, as they will definitely fight. It is also not recommended to keep turtles of different sizes together. Large turtles will attack small ones. Choose individuals of the same age.

Step 6
Turtles grow claws with which they can damage each other. Use nail scissors to trim them from time to time. Do not try to trim the beak, the turtle needs it to rip apart pieces of food.