A fish like the carp lives in fresh water. This is the determining factor in its appearance. When she is still young, there is nothing unusual about her appearance, she looks like some other fish. But many individuals live up to 30 - 35 years, and the growth of the animal stops at 7 - 8 years. Therefore, the older the fish, the more massive it becomes and acquires a more interesting color.

Since the carp is a schooling fish, the body of the animal is usually long, high, and wide. The muzzle is pointed, on the sides they are slightly on the roll-out of the eyes. The branchial part is clearly defined. There is a small mustache near the mouth.
What does carp fish look like?
The body of the carp is covered with large dark yellow-golden scales. On the back, the scales are, of course, darker, and on the abdomen, lighter. On the edge of each scale there is a pronounced black stripe. There are dark spots at the base of the scale, so it seems that the body of the fish is all dotted with small carnations with dark caps, which are clearly visible on the golden field.
The dorsal fin of the carp is usually dark gray. The caudal fin is usually red and brown or even black. The rest of the fins are gray with a pale purple tint. In front, the wide dorsal fin has a strong, serrated, serrated ray. Approximately the same ray, but slightly smaller, is also in front of the fin under the tail.
The average weight of a carp is about three to four kilograms. And it reaches a length of about a meter. But some individuals may weigh 30 kg, since the fish lives up to 30 - 35 years. The carp grows very quickly and by the end of the first year its length is about 10 cm, and its weight is from 25 to 30 grams.
Where does the carp live
This animal lives in the basins of the Azov, Black, Azov and Caspian seas. It can be found in lakes Balkhash and Kapchagai, in the Amur River. The carp also lives in many reservoirs of Central Asia, in Western and Central Siberia, as well as in Kamchatka. Some forms prefer to live in one body of water, others are constantly migrating. Moreover, they go to spawn only in the river.
This fish feeds mainly on shoots of reeds, cattails, pondweed, egg capsules. The carp can feast on caviar of frogs, or caviar of other spawning fish. The carp willingly eats insects living in the water, as well as worms, snails, crayfish, and leeches. Can attack invertebrate molluscs, pond snails.
Carp loves large lakes, lower reaches of rivers. Prefers backwaters, old women. It can be found in reeds, under trees or bushes. This animal loves warm water, so it can be found in places where the water is stagnant. It is noteworthy that the carp that people buy in stores is the carp, which was artificially bred by the method of selection.
Carp fishing
This fish is caught on a float rod with a reel, you can use a rod with a bottom, a side rod or a line. In winter, you can hunt carp with a float rod, fishing rods with rings with a spinning or multiplier reel. The main thing is that the tackle is strong, usually braided line with a length of 50 meters is used.
Millet, grain, corn, bran are suitable from the attachments. Oilcake, boiled potatoes, bread, reed shoots will also be effective. You can use boilies prepared by yourself, occasionally a carp bites on maggot, earthworm or earthworm, on live bait. In winter, it is better to use a worm, bloodworms, burdock moth larvae, crayfish meat. Carp is caught on a spoon and a jig.
Before hunting for carp, it is better to feed him. For this, corn, porridge, crackers, seeds, cake are suitable. You can use boiled potatoes, special carp groundbait. It is necessary to fish at a depth of 5-10 meters, carp bites all year round, in the morning and in the evening, but not in windy weather and not when there are pressure drops.