There are many different species of antelope. These animals are striking in their beauty and grace. In nature, both large individuals and miniature ones are found. Dukers are one of the representatives of small antelopes.

Dukers are crested antelopes of the gentle subfamily, belonging to the artiodactyl order. There are 19 types of dukers, combined into 2 genera. This species is common in Africa, closer to sub-Saharan Africa.
The size of the animal does not appear to be large. Body length, depending on the species, varies from 55 to 110 cm, weight reaches 65 kg.
Dukers' coloration includes mainly red, gray and dark brown shades. The body of this animal has an arovid shape, the front legs are shorter than the hind legs. There is a tuft of long hair on the head. The horns of animals are short, no higher than 12 cm; in females, they are often absent. Females are usually larger than males.
Dunkers are very shy and elusive small animals that prefer hard-to-reach places, such as where there are ponds and dense bushes. These animals skillfully make their way through dense thickets. Many of them are active at night and hide during the day.
We can say that dukers are omnivorous, these antelopes eat plant seeds, shoots of young trees, fruits, foothills, eat small insects and their larvae, catch rodents and small birds.
Dunkers do not have a specific breeding season. Pregnancy in females lasts about 4 months, mainly one calf is born.