A Cat's Eyes Fester: What To Do

A Cat's Eyes Fester: What To Do
A Cat's Eyes Fester: What To Do

Discharge from the eyes is a symptom of serious medical conditions. Transparent tears are considered the norm, but purulent discharge should alert the pet owner. The cat should be shown to the veterinarian immediately.

Purulent discharge is a sign of illness
Purulent discharge is a sign of illness

The reason for the appearance of pus from the eyes

Watery, light discharge can be caused by an allergic reaction or mechanical damage to the eye. A contact with a fungal or bacterial infection is accompanied by purulent, green or brown discharge. The inflammation will not go away on its own, the cat needs to be treated. Pus from the eyes can go with diseases of the eyelids, cornea, conjunctiva, and a viral infection.

The first step is to show the cat to the veterinarian. The clinic will take all the necessary tests, including a flush from the mucous membrane of the eye. After laboratory tests, you can accurately diagnose and begin treatment. As a rule, general and local therapy is prescribed. Antibiotics, ointments and drops are prescribed. The drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of the disease. Self-medication or untimely access to a doctor entails serious consequences. The animal may even die.

Rinsing the eye

Before contacting a doctor, you should alleviate the condition of the pet by washing the eyes. For this purpose, a decoction of chamomile, 0.02% furacilin, boric acid solution is suitable. It is more convenient to carry out manipulations when one person holds the cat, and the other gently rubs her eyes. You need to take a cotton swab, dip it in a warm solution and squeeze the liquid onto the pet's eyeball. Continue until all the pus is gone. In order not to injure the eye, do not wipe it with a dry cloth. Cotton swabs are not suitable for rinsing, as they absorb little liquid.

After washing, you can put 1% tetracycline ointment under the lower eyelid, then close the eye and lightly massage. It is better to warm the ointment in your hands before use. All manipulations should be carried out carefully so as not to injure the eyes and not to scare the sick pet. Lotions and ointments are not able to cure the disease, but will only facilitate its course. Therefore, you need to show the cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Timely treatment started will preserve the eyesight and life of the animal.

Caring for a sick pet

The owners are responsible for those they have tamed. Every year, you need to do a preventive vaccination to protect the cat from various kinds of infections. During the fight against the disease, it takes a lot of strength and energy. To make up for the shortage, you need to organize good nutrition. The diet should include more fortified, fresh food. But with food from the store, you should be careful, they can cause allergies and cause those very purulent discharge from the eyes.
