In recent years, land and water turtles have become some of the most popular pets. This is easily explained: the turtle takes up little space, it does not require regular walks and constant attention from the owner, caring for it is simple and there is no allergy to the turtle.

Conditions for the turtle

When starting a turtle in the house, do not forget that this is a living creature that needs careful care and attention to health. First, decide which turtle you prefer - a land turtle or a water turtle? Depending on the choice, you will need an aquarium or terrarium in which the animal will live. The opinion that the turtle can move freely around the apartment is erroneous. Lacking a place of its own, a reptile runs the risk of catching a cold in a draft, getting caught by you or your family and getting injured or climbing where it will not be easy for it to get out.
Water turtle

The most popular species is the red-eared water turtle. To keep this animal, you will need a spacious aquarium, in which a small piece of land will be allocated so that the turtle has a place to rest after swimming. Water turtles are predators, so they will gladly eat live food such as bloodworms, insects or seafood, fresh fish, previously deboned and chopped.
You should not give your turtles boiled meat or fish - this can cause frustration and malaise. The digestion of these animals is not intended for the digestion of thermally processed foods.
Despite their predatory nature, turtles do not refuse plant foods - lettuce, carrots and algae. Also in any pet store you can buy special pelleted food for water turtles.
Land turtle

The land or Central Asian turtle is a resident of warm countries, and therefore must be kept in a terrarium with a lamp installed above it to ensure sufficient heat and light.
Land turtles are vegetarians. Their diet should consist of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. Turtles need food containing coarse dietary fiber, so cabbage, carrots, beets and apples should be the basis of the diet of a land turtle. If you give your turtle greens, then it should be finely chopped and always fresh. Avoid overly spicy herbs such as cilantro or basil for your turtles; stick to more neutral herbs and lettuce. In early spring, the land turtle can be pampered with young dandelion leaves.
Remember that food should not be in the turtle's feeder for more than three hours. If the animal hasn't eaten everything that you offered it, do not leave it until the next feed.
To feed a land turtle in a specialized store, you can also purchase food containing the required amount of fiber and nutrients, but you should not transfer the turtle only to dry granules, it needs fresh food.
Nutritional restrictions

The stomach of a turtle, both water and land, does not contain enzymes that aid in the digestion of dairy products, baked goods, boiled cereals or eggs. You may think that you are spoiling your pet, but such food can disrupt the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract of the turtle.