Why Do Cats Eat Fruits And Vegetables?

Why Do Cats Eat Fruits And Vegetables?
Why Do Cats Eat Fruits And Vegetables?

Adult cats eat fruits more out of curiosity than out of necessity, but fluffy beauties need to eat green vegetables and salad greens.

Used photo from PhotoRack website
Used photo from PhotoRack website

The domestic cat is a carnivorous animal. The main diet of a fluffy pet should consist of meat, fish and dairy products. From them, animals receive the required amount of proteins and fats.

Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and minerals

Correctly balanced nutrition is always the cornerstone of the normal well-being of cats. In addition to proteins and fats, animals need to eat enough trace elements and vitamins.

Their main set is found in all fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as in greens. For this reason, the cat needs to be given as much plant food as it asks for from its owners. Cats are happy to eat green vegetables and sometimes even feast on fruits.

An intelligent animal is able to independently determine what type of plant feeding it needs and choose it from the diet proposed by the owners. A small predator can fill the lack of vitamins A and C by eating a cucumber, zucchini or pumpkin.

Animals often eat carrots and beets, as well as tomatoes and even watermelons with melons. There are cats who love raisins and dried apricots, which is very surprising to their owners. It is also useful to give a four-legged friend a cabbage leaf, dill and parsley.

First of all, animals need iron, which is found in abundance in greenery. Cats that live in apartments all the time and walk only on the balcony need to grow special cat grass in a pot. Otherwise, the animal will eat all the flowers in the house. If a pet periodically walks on the street, he will always find the necessary greens himself.

How to properly feed your cat with vegetables and fruits

Veterinarians recommend feeding vegetables and fruits raw to cats. This will maximize the benefits of their consumption, although the furry animals will also happily eat vegetable stews. Vegetables need to be cut, and the greens should be finely chopped.

An excess of plant food is harmful to animals, and if pieces of undigested vegetables appear in the stool of a cat, you need to exclude raw food for a while.

It is recommended to give vegetables to kittens from 7-8 weeks. Until that time, their intestines will not be able to properly digest the raw plant matter. Vegetables are rubbed on a fine grater or cut into small pieces.

You need to carefully feed kittens with vegetables, monitoring their well-being. If there is bloating or loose stools, you should temporarily switch to their usual diet.

An adult cat will always get what it needs for food. If your pet loves cucumbers or raw potatoes, you do not need to wait for him to pull them off the kitchen table, it is better to put the treat in the cat's bowl on time.
