How To Feed The Bulls

How To Feed The Bulls
How To Feed The Bulls

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The reproductive ability of bulls mainly depends on the conditions of their keeping and balanced feeding. To do this, one must proceed from the biological characteristics of the animal's organism, natural abilities and assimilation of various types of feed. This approach to the bull will ensure high productivity and fertility.

How to feed the bulls
How to feed the bulls


Step 1

A complete diet is important in feeding bulls, which must be provided with vitamins, a large amount and good quality of protein, and minerals. Include in the diet of animal food rich in protein, this will increase its sexual activity and the ability of sperm to fertilize. Along with the amount of protein, it is worth considering the content of carbohydrates - sugars. For 100 grams of digestible protein, there should be 150 grams of sugar in winter and 80-110 grams in summer.

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Step 2

One-year-old bulls need to be provided with abundant feeding, at this age their weight should be about 380 kilograms, no less. Older bulls, gradually transfer to moderate feeding. Such cultivation and feeding will provide optimal conditions for their development and growth, accelerate puberty, and prevent obesity.

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Step 3

The main diet for a young bull should be legume-cereal hay with good taste and a bright green color. For growing bulls, compound feed should not be too complex, it should include one grain ingredient - oats or corn, plus a component containing a large amount of protein - dry backwash or meal - is added to it.

cow weight
cow weight

Step 4

In feeding bulls, their need for trace elements must be satisfied: copper, manganese, cobalt, iodine and zinc. The content of trace elements in various feeds depends on the soil, zone and fertilizer. Pay special attention to providing bulls with vitamins D, A, E. To meet the needs of animals for vitamin A, feed them feed containing carotene. In summer it is green and fresh grass, and in winter it is good and high quality hay.

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Step 5

In winter, the following ration structure is recommended: good quality hay - 40-45%; granules or herbal flour - 8-10%; concentrated feed - 40-45%; special additives 4-5%. In summer: hay - 23-25%; granules or herbal flour - 7-8%; green food - 34-35%; concentrated feed - 33-35%; special additives and animal feed - 1%.
