It is difficult to find a more amazing animal on our planet than the platypus, otherwise called platypus. Inhabits the eastern outskirts and central regions of Australia and Tasmania. This intermediate animal, which arose in the process of evolution, is one of two species of oviparous mammals existing on Earth.

This amazing animal can be safely called a swimming bird-animal. Its appearance is unique. The body of the platypus resembles an otter or a beaver, and instead of a nose it has a duck beak. The dark brown fur is smooth, silky and shiny. The short legs end in movable swimming membranes and claws adapted for digging holes. On both sides of the head, the platypus has cheek pouches for storing food supplies. He hears perfectly with his inner ears, and his auricles are absent.
The platypus swims remarkably, but cannot breathe under water, therefore it exposes the tip of its beak with nostrils above the water surface.
The platypus prefers to settle near quiet river backwaters: it digs holes near the steep banks with two exits: one - under water, the other - to the shore. Sometimes the length of the burrows reaches 15 meters. Spends in the shelter all daylight hours, and goes hunting only at night. It feeds on aquatic insects, worms and molluscs.
The female platypus equips itself a mink under the nest, lines it with leaves, grass, reeds, lays eggs and incubates them, curled up in a ball. Babies appear blind and helpless, they are fed with mother's milk.
The platypus is very easy to tame, but it does not survive in captivity, even to Europe it is almost impossible to take it.