The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a unique breed of dog, whose representatives have a peculiar distinctive mark. The fact is that the back of the Ridgeback is decorated with an original "comb" - the wool grows in an even strip in the opposite direction, and between the shoulder blades it turns into a curl.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a dog of relatively small size, the height at the withers usually does not exceed 70 cm. The muscular constitution allows the dog to be very hardy, withstand heavy loads and overcome long distances.
Despite the fact that information about dogs very reminiscent of the Ridgeback is contained in the oldest manuscripts and legends, this breed was officially recognized only at the beginning of the last century. Muscular dogs were used mainly for hunting, as evidenced by numerous prints and paintings. The temperament of the Rhodesian Ridgeback has not changed for centuries. Modern owners of dogs of this breed note a calm disposition and loyal temperament. In addition, Ridgebacks very rarely bark.
The "ridge" of the dog deserves special attention. It is by the appearance of the ridge, its shape and location that the best representatives of the breed are determined at modern exhibitions. The ridge should start strictly between the shoulder blades, be symmetrical and have definite curl shapes. If the experts at the show see deviations from the standard by 1 cm, then the dog will not be able to become the winners, despite the full compliance with the breed description.