A dog that appears in a family immediately becomes its full member and enjoys common love and adoration. Therefore, it is especially offensive that the life expectancy of these animals is not particularly long - on average 12-15 years. But you can extend the opportunity to communicate with your friend if you provide him with the necessary conditions for this and give your love and care.

How long do dogs live?

The length of a dog's life largely depends on what breed it belongs to. Small breed dogs live longer and it is hoped that your pug, Chihuahua or Yorkie will live up to 17 years, however, large poodles also usually live long - an average of 15-17 years. Staffordshire Terriers, English Spaniels, West Siberian Laikas, German Shepherds, Dachshunds, Toy Terriers and Airedale Terriers live 12-14 years. English bulldogs, boxers, bassets, rottweilers - 9-11 years old, Bordeaux and Great Dane dogs do not live long - 7-8 years. Lapdogs are centenarians, they live on average up to 18-20 years.
But, of course, the average age of the dog may be far from the real term that will be released to her. So, a large shepherd dog from the Australian city of Rochester lived for 28 years and 11 months, there are cases when the Tibetan Terrier lived for 23 years and died due to an oversight of the mistress under the wheels of a car. This means that under certain conditions, dogs, like humans, have the genetic ability to extend life by at least one and a half times.
Poor ecology is causing an increase in the number of canine diseases, among which oncology and diseases of the endocrine system are increasingly common.
How to extend the life of a dog

If we recalculate the years of a dog for human, according to physical parameters, one can equate a one-year-old dog with a teenager, and a two-year-old with a 24-year-old young man. After 2 years of age, each dog's year is approximately equal to 5 human years. A ten-year-old dog in human chronology has lived as long as a 64-year-old man, a fifteen-year-old - almost 90. The dog is fully formed by 3-5 years of his life, this is the period of the highest physical activity, by the age of 9 the dog begins to age and becomes less active, preferring to walk in some warm place.
For a dog to live to old age and maintain good physical shape, it is very important to have a balanced diet and physical activity in the previous periods of life. It is important that she does not overeat, since excess weight puts additional stress on the cardiovascular system and the skeleton of the animal.
The dog's life is extended by regular walks, activities and games and, of course, a good calm atmosphere in the family.
Modern veterinary medicine has made great strides forward, new balanced feeds, medicines and vaccines have appeared. Canine diseases are easily diagnosed using ultrasound equipment, tomography, laser therapy. If you pay close attention to the health of your pet and regularly show it to the veterinarian, you can easily overcome the average age for this breed.