What Does A Dachshund Look Like

What Does A Dachshund Look Like
What Does A Dachshund Look Like

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Dachshund is a representative of a group of hunting dogs called burrowing dogs. Distinguish between smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired dachshunds. The most common (basic, standard) type is the smooth-haired dachshund, it cannot be confused with any other breed of dog, because it has a number of striking characteristics that are unique to it.

What does a dachshund look like
What does a dachshund look like


Step 1

The head of the dachshund has an elongated wedge-shaped shape, evenly tapering towards the nose. With a flat forehead, the brow ridges are very pronounced. The muzzle is elongated, slightly hunchbacked, distinguished by clean, well-defined lines.

Step 2

The dachshund's mouth is stretched quite strongly, the corners go beyond the line of the eyes. Tightly stretched (not sagging) lips cover the lower jaw well, forming a small, but clearly defined fold in the corner of the mouth. The jaws and the white teeth of the dachshund tightly adjoining each other are strongly developed, the canines are strong, if necessary (in the hunt) close to death. Bites, both pincer and scissor bites, are equivalent.

Step 3

The eyes of a dachshund are of medium size, set obliquely, have an oval shape and a dark brown color in any coat color. However, in the "marbled" variety, blue eyes are allowed, as well as eyes of unequal color (for example, one eye is light, the other is dark, it depends on which "spot of marble" falls on the eye area). The white of the eyeball is barely visible, the expression of the eyes is intelligent, energetic, decisive, kind, rather curious and waiting for an order or praise.

Step 4

Ears are thin, drooping, mobile, rounded at the tips, the front edge is close to the cheekbones. The ears are set wide and high back so that the distance between the ear and the eye is relatively greater than that of other hunting dogs.

Step 5

The neck of all types of dachshunds is elongated, strong, and set high. The skin on it is loose, but does not create the so-called dewlap on the throat. From the head to the chest, the neck widens markedly. The muscular and broad chest protrudes sharply forward, forming a depression on the sides. The withers are elongated, high, protruding above the chest line. The body is narrow and long, the belly of a healthy young dog is always tucked up, the back is straight, imperceptibly passing into the lower back. The croup is round, wide.

Step 6

The shoulders of the dachshund, even in appearance, and even more so to the touch, have strong plastic muscles. The forearms are strong, very short, and arched so that the wrists draw closer together.

Step 7

The front legs are short, thick and strong. Stand straight, feet apart. The hind legs are dense in the thighs, muscular, with pronounced angles (the heel bones and the so-called hock joints are especially pronounced). The fingers of all four limbs are collected in a ball, the pads are puffy, the nails are short and extremely strong.

Step 8

The tail of all dachshunds is rather long, tapering to the tip, curved in a half-arc. Docking the tail of dachshunds is rarely done, usually at the request of the owner or as directed by the veterinarian.
